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The Reports guide walks through the general steps to run various reports within 3PL Central and details the data populated in each report. There are a variety of reports that can be run in the system. For the purpose of this Reports Guide, Example Reports will be displayed in the Detailed Version. Most reports can also be displayed in a Summary Version.

In this Reports section you will learn how to run the following reports:

Stock Status

Item Activity

Item Detail

Transaction History

Open Transactions


These Reports can be accessed by Administrative Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ordonly, rcvonly, 8, 4pl1 & 4pl2.

Reports Main Page

1.Stock Status

2.Item Activity

3.Item Detail

4.Transaction History - This section also includes:

a.Transaction Register

b.Transaction By Activity

c.View Transaction

d.Transaction By Line Item

e.Shipment Value

5.Open Transactions - This section also includes:

a.Open Orders

b.Open Receivings

c.Open Assemblies

6.Locations - This section also includes:

a.Find Item

b.Location List

c.Location Identifier

d.Quarantine Locations

e.Replenish Report

7.Management - This section also includes:

a.Customer Pricing

b.User List

c.Transaction Review

d.Freight Audit

e.Cycle Count

f.UPS Daily Summary

g.Inventory Turns

h.Stock Status By Anniversary Date Report

i.Package Usage Report

