Transaction Register

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Transaction Register

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To run the Transaction Register Report:

1.Choose Reports.

2.Choose Transaction History.

3.Choose Transaction Register.

Transaction Report screen will now display.


To run the Transaction Register Report (continued):

1.Select the Customer Name from the grid.

2.Select Sort By Oldest First to sort the report by the oldest transaction(Optional). The system defaults to sorting by newest the transaction.

3.Select a Start Date.

4.Select an End Date.

5.Select Detailed, Summary, or Daily Ship List to specify how the report is displayed.

6.Choose Run Report.

The system will generate a Transaction Report that will populate below.


In the Transaction Register Report you will be able to view the history of transactions for a specific customer during a period of time. The report (Detailed Version) will display the following:

1.Name - name of the customer.

2.Date - date the transaction was created on.

3.ShipDate - date transaction was confirmed to have shipped on.

4.Trans# - transaction number.

5.Customer Ref - reference number for the transaction.

6.Tracking #.

7.QtyIn - number of primary units received in.

8.QtyOut - number of primary units shipped out.

9.Handling - handling charged under system-calculated storage and handling (Refer to Customer section).

10.Auto Handling - handling charged under per transaction billing setup (Refer to Customer section).

11.Materials - materials charged under per transaction billing setup (Refer to Customer section).

12.Storage - storage charged under system-calculated storage and handling (Refer to Customer section).

13.Auto Storage - storage charged under per transaction billing setup (Refer to Customer section).

14.Special - special charges setup under per transaction billing setup (Refer to Customer section).

15.Freight PP - freight prepaid.

16.Freight 3 - freight charge that is owed.

17.Total -  total charges for the transaction.

18.Notes - warehouse notes recorded on the transaction.

19.Paper Clip - If the paper clip icon is present, documents are attached to this transaction.

20.Customers Name - total charges for the customer.

21.Facility Total - totals for the warehouse.
