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The Item guide is the backbone of the 3PL Warehouse Management System. The system is designed to be flexible while achieving strict item control. Proper Item setup will increase productivity and limit discrepancies in the future. By the time you are ready for this Item section of the guide, it is assumed you have already set up the Warehouse Facilities and Customers in the system. Refer to the Admin and Customer sections of the Help for details on how to setup the Warehouse Facilities and Customers.

In this Item section, you will learn how to:

Create Items.

Manage Items.

Import Items.

Create Assembly SKU(s).

You will also learn about:

Batch Item Update.

Commodity Setup.


Item Alias.

Item Images.

Setting up inventory items is the key to reporting and warehouse management. The more information you enter, the more 3PL Manager can help.

These setups can be accomplished by Administrative Level 0, 1, 2, and 4pl2 users only.