Split/Short-ship Results

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Split/Short-ship Results

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To view Split/Short-ship orders for the 3PL:

1. Hover over the Order menu and select Split/Short-ship Results from the drop-down list of options. The system will go to the Split/Short-Shipped Over-Allocated Report screen where the order can be reviewed.


Split/Short-Shipped Over-Allocated Report Screen

On this screen you can review and Delete (Optional) the second parts of each original order. these are the Splits or Short-ship balance orders. To Delete an order from the review grid:

1.Highlight the order.

2.Click on the Delete button and the Orig. WTID 300 will be deleted from the grid.

Note: Deleting an order off this report does not delete or cancel the actual order. This is just a report. Once a order is deleted off the report it will not return.


The order: Orig. WTID 300 has been deleted.
