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To Edit an existing Supplier Contact:

1.Select a Customer from the Choose a Customer drop down menu.

2.Highlight the Supplier to Edit.

3.Select the Edit button. The user is sent to a Manage Supplier Contacts data entry page.


Manage Supplier Contacts Screen

Once the Edit button was selected in the prior screen, the user is shown the existing Supplier Contact information for that record. You can make the necessary Edits/Changes to the data, keeping in mind that the fields with the *red asterisk MUST be completed.

1.EnterChange the Code for the Supplier.

2.Enter/Change the Name for the Supplier.

3.Enter/Change the Company for the Supplier.

4.Enter/Change the Address for the Supplier in Address1 and if needed Address2.

5.Enter/Change the City for the Supplier.

6.Enter/Change the Zip code for the Supplier.

7.Choose the Country for the Supplier from the drop down box. Country is added before state for validation purposes.

8.Enter/Change the State for the Supplier.

9.Choose a RetailerID for the Supplier from the drop down box.  Refer to Shipping/Setups/Manage Retailers guide for more information.

10.Enter/Change the Supplier Department in the Dept# field.

11.Enter/Change the Supplier Phone number in the Phone field.

12.Enter/Change the Supplier Email address in the Email field.

13.Check the Show in 'Quick Lookup' drop down list box to enable the Supplier Contact to be quickly chosen when Creating/Managing a Purchase Order.

14.Select the Save button to Save the changes or Cancel to return to the main Manage Supplier Contacts page.

15.To Merge this Supplier with an existing Supplier, refer to the Merge section of this guide.
