Rels on the Billboard
A client should access the billboard to obtain beginning resources. Each resource contains links to related resources.
This concept is called HATEOAS - Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State.
Do not hardcode URIs because these links may change. Instead, start with the billboard. Use template substitution if needed, as per RFC6570.
Obtain additional links within each resource and use template substitution if needed.
Note: Operator rels are present only if the state change is valid for the given resource.
The beginning billboard URI is simply /billboard
Rel | Description |
/rels/customers/... | maintains resources related to customers and their item descriptions, may be limited to a subset based on credential |
alertcontents | |
alerthistory | alert history: record representing a historical notification of a system event |
alerts | |
channels | |
charges | ad hoc charge transaction |
chargeslist | |
customerbriefs | skinny customers |
customerordersource | Source of the orders for the customers |
customerordersources | |
customers | |
customersactivate | activate/deactivate customers |
customersummaries | |
errorlogs | A log of errors for customer use |
eventalerter | create one or more alerts based upon changes |
invoicebinder | bind an invoice number to billed transactions |
itemassemblyindex | item assembly index in the list of items |
itembriefs | skinny items |
itemexchanges | items update via exchange format |
itemimports | items add via import format |
itemindex | item index in the list of items |
itemizedchargeslist | a list of orders, receivers, adjustments and/or assemblies having charges |
items | |
itemsactivate | |
itemsasync | |
itemscreate | items add |
itemsummaries | |
itemsummariesacrosscustomers | |
suppliers | |
/rels/inventory/... | inventory resources, including receivers, adjustments, assemblies, purchase orders, count schedules, and available inventory lists |
adjustment | adjustment of item quantities in a facility and associated charges |
adjustmentcharges | |
adjustments | |
assemblies | |
assembliescancel | |
assembliesconfirm | |
assembly | realization of a kit |
assemblycancel | cancel assembly |
assemblyconfirm | confirm an assembly, customer is done specifying assembly and assembly item info |
assemblyfileimport | |
assemblyfileimportasync | |
assemblyfileparse | parse assembly import file |
assemblyimport | create a group of assemblies |
assemblyimportasync | |
c2ctransfers | transfer of inventory to different customer |
clusterdeleter | Delete a cluster of moverequests |
currentlocations | current inventory locations |
digestbriefs | skinny receiver digests |
export | create an export file for a group of receivers |
fileimport | |
fileimportasync | |
fileparse | parse receiver import file |
import | create a group of receivers |
importasync | |
inventory | inventory for management purposes |
inventoryasync | |
inventorybriefs | skinny inventory |
inventoryexpiring | inventory expiring |
inventoryheldreallocate | hold/release inventory |
inventoryhold | hold/release inventory |
inventoryitem | an inventory increase |
inventoryreduction | an inventory decrease |
item | order line item: sku and quantity info |
items | |
locationclearer | Delete all moverrequests for a destination |
masscompleter | Complete multiple moverequests |
mover | move of inventory to a different location |
moverequests | |
moverequestsgenerator | To generate move requests for replenishment |
moverequestsummaries | |
multiexport | create a group of export files for a receiver |
pallets | |
proposedallocations | a proposed allocations for an inventory reduction adjustment |
purchaseorderindex | PO index in the list of POs |
purchaseorders | |
receiveitems | the collection of receive items independent of any receiver |
receiverdigests | receiver partial info |
receiverdigestsasync | |
receivers | |
receiversautocharges | add automatic charges (AutoCalcHandling and scripted charges) |
receiverscancel | |
receiversconfirm | |
receiversconfirmasync | |
receiversramark | |
receiversrasent | |
receiversummaries | receiver short synopsis |
receiversunconfirm | |
shaker | change trackbys and saved elements on inventory |
stockdetails | item trackbys, availability, by receive item |
stockmoved | react to available inventory being moved |
stocksummaries | item availability |
stocksummariesfororder | item availability for order |
/rels/jobs/... | inspects the headless horseman job queue |
jobmethods | |
jobs | |
jobsstats | the statistics of jobs |
recurringjobs | |
servers | active servers |
states | |
/rels/master/... | Resources at supra-tenant scope: threepls, master logins, api provisioning; must use a token based upon Multi-Tenant credentials |
apicredentials | |
apiroles | |
attacheddoc | a document attached to a warehouse transaction or batch |
countries | the list of countries with their states, to be referenced by country code in threepl records |
handlerparameter | a background process handler parameter |
handlerparameters | |
httptestdelete | a pass-through http test endpoint for DELETE |
httptestget | a pass-through http test endpoint for GET |
httptestpost | a pass-through http test endpoint for POST |
httptestput | a pass-through http test endpoint for PUT |
jobtypequeues | |
logins | |
persons | |
smallparcelstatistics | a set of statistics regarding small parcel for a given threepl. Tpl 0 lists all TPLs. |
threeplactivate | activate/deactivate a threepl |
threepls | |
threeplsforbkgndprocess | |
threeplstatistics | a set of statistics for a given threepl |
threeplsummaries | the list of third party logisitics company summaries |
webhooksconfig | master web hooks configuration |
/rels/orders/... | maintains resources relevant to shipping inventory, including orders with line items, allocation, packages, picking and packing |
batches | |
batchsummaries | |
batchsummaryindex | item index in the list of batch summaries |
bolsgenerate | |
bucketadder | |
bucketprocessor | |
containermanifest | Create a container manifest |
containermanifests | Returns a container manifest list for reprint |
digestbriefs | skinny digests |
digests | order partial info |
export | create an export file for a group of orders |
fileimport | |
fileimportasync | |
fileparse | parse order import file |
import | create a group of orders |
importasync | |
itemsoverallocated | |
masterbolclear | Clear MasterBillOfLading id for multiple orders |
masterbolgenerate | Generate BillOfLading id for each order without one, and a common MasterBillOfLading id for multiple orders |
multiexport | create a group of export files for an order |
order | order including routing, fulfillment invoicing, saved elements and order items (with allocations and saved elements) |
orderparcelinjectlabel | inject parcel label processed outside small parcel |
orders | |
ordersallocate | |
ordersasnmark | |
ordersasnprecheck | Prior to sending an ASN, list orders that fail the chosen customer ASN pre checks |
ordersasnsent | |
ordersautocharges | |
ordersbybin | open orders in a given bin |
ordersbybinid | open orders in a given bin sent as query param |
orderscancel | |
orderscomplete | |
ordersconfirm | |
ordersconfirmaftermath | With respect to one or more newly orders, mark affected receive items as 'fully shipped' and insert appropriate move histories |
ordersconfirmasync | |
ordersdeallocate | |
ordersparcelautorateshop | parcel auto rate shop for orders |
ordersparcelautorateshopbatch | Get rate shop batch |
ordersparcelbatch | Returns a parcel batch |
ordersparcelbatcherrors | request a list of batch errors |
ordersparcelbatches | request a list of batches |
ordersparcelbatchlabels | request a completed batch, get its labels and update tracking, charges, labels, and int'l docs |
ordersparcelcanceler | |
ordersparcelfinalizer | |
ordersparcelfinalizerhvp | async process for manifest hvp |
ordersparcelmanifestsdatabase | Get manifests from database after high volume |
ordersparceloptions | request parcel options |
ordersparcelreturnlabel | |
ordersparcelshippinglabel | |
ordersparcelshippinglabelhighvolume | async process for high volume shipping |
ordersparcelshippinglabelsdatabase | Get labels from database after high volume |
ordersparcelshippinglabelshighvolume | Get labels for high volume shipping on ParcelApi |
ordersparceltmwexporter | |
orderspickticketdatesetter | |
ordersrouting | |
ordersshort | |
orderssplit | |
ordersunconfirm | |
packagehavenots | packageless orders |
packagesconsolidates | |
packagesconsolidatesbycustomdims | |
packagesgenerates | |
packageslabeltemplates | request the label templates |
packagesrestockalert | request the package restock alerts |
packagesrestockalerts | |
packagesucc128label | request the Ucc128 labels for multiple orders and all of their packages |
pickcandidates | order pick information for determining whether to start picking |
pickjobs | |
summaries | order short synopsis |
/rels/properties/... | maintains resources shared across services, such as facilities and their locations, units of measure, movable unit types, etc. |
apicredentials | |
capacitytypes | |
carrieraccount | the settings for a carrier account. |
carrieraccountregistrar | registers carrier account with external shipping partner |
carrieraccountsmanifestlist | carrier account manifests from papi |
carrieraccountsmanifests | carrier account manifests by facility |
carrieraccountsmapping | carrier account mapping in parcelapi |
carrieraccountsmappings | carrier account mapping in parcelapi |
carriers | |
cellcarriers | |
contacts | |
countries | list of countries with states (regions) |
currentstocklocations | Locations within a facility where stock of a given itemis currently present |
emailtemplate | master email template |
emailtemplatefields | email template substitution fields |
enum | name/value pairs |
enums | |
facilities | |
facilitiesactivate | activate/inactivate a list of facilities |
facilitysummaries | |
flushcache | flush all caches |
importproviders | resource import providers, used for defining customer import channels |
itemclassifications | |
itemcommodities | |
locationbillingtypes | |
locationindex | location index in the list of locations |
locations | |
locationsactivate | activate/inactivate list of locations |
locationsactivatebyfac | activate/inactivate list of locations |
locationsbyfac | |
locationsbyfacbriefs | skinny locations |
packagedef | dimensions of a packing material, usually a box |
packagedeffacilities | |
packagedefs | |
packageinsert | tracking of non-ordered items included with the order |
packageinserts | |
packageinsertsfacilities | |
packinglisttemplate | C1 packing list template |
packinglisttemplates | |
pallettypes | |
queryparametervalues | |
recentstocklocations | Locations within a facility where stock of a given item was at some time in the recent past |
storagecountscripts | storage recurring billing scripts for counting inventory |
threepl | threepl application settings |
threeplsummary | threepl without application settings |
threeplsummarybyguid | threepl without application settings |
transformcustoms | |
transforms | a group of transform objects, each of which transforms a file into internal models or transforms internal models to a file. |
unitofmeasuretypes | |
xactionbillingscripttemplates | |
zpllabels | |
/rels/reportdefs/... | maintains resources related to report definitions, including report generation and customization |
ssrsdefs | |
ssrsnames | base report names |
ssrssummary | base report and its customizations, no RDL |
/rels/uiproperties/... | maintains resources for the V2 user interface |
clientmetadata | custom storage of client-specific metadata, such as UI preferences, none of which controls internal business logic |
clientmetadatas | |
customroles | |
customrolesummaries | collection: custom role summaries |
mobileuseravailable | send event to mark user available for mobile jobs |
policies | collection: all rights granted to a given user, derived from user's role(s) |
rights | collection: names of all UI features requiring authorization |
systemrolesummaries | collection: system role summaries |
textoverrides | |
threepllogo | ThreePL Logo |
user | a user |
userindex | user index in the list of users |
users | |
usersactivate | activate/deactivate users |
usersassignrole | assign role to users |
/rels/wmstools/... | provides Operators to support back office processes FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY!! |
bandwidthlogabator | remove 'old' rows from the BandwidthLog table |
customererrorlogabator | remove 'old' rows from the CustomerErorLog table |
eventnotifyhistoryabator | remove 'old' rows from the EventNotifyHistory table |
smallparcelresponseabator | remove 'old' rows from the SmallParcelResponse table and its subordinate tables |
wmsevent | a WMS Event |
wmseventabator | remove 'old' rows from the WMSEvent table |
wmsevents | |
wteventdeleterbylist | delete events by list |
wteventraiser | raise events for recent changes to orders, receivers, adjustments and/or assemblies |
This documentation is subject to change, and is updated often and without warning. The models documented may or may not be available to users now or in the future. Use this documentation at your own risk.
Contact with any questions about this documentation.