inventory stockdetails (
item trackbys, availability, by receive item
C# Rel Const:
URI template:
Obtain URI from:
To get detailed inventory data including track-by information
Success status: 200
Name (* = required) Data Type Description
customerid * int
facilityid * int
pgsiz int must be positive; limit 500, specifying more is an error; default 100; max records to return per response; use "next" or "prev" link to paginate
pgnum int considering pgsiz, returns the pgnum-th page, 1-indexed
rql string see RQL documentation
sort string see RQL documentation
orderitemid int optional order item id where editing allocations (will include inventory currently allocated to the specified order item as 'available')
senameorvaluecontains string
Type Description
TotalResults int
ResourceList IList<Inventory.Models.StockDetail>
Sample accept: application/hal+json
  "totalResults": 1,
  "_embedded": {
    "item": [
        "receiveItemId": 1,
        "itemIdentifier": {
          "sku": "str",
          "id": 2
        "description": "str",
        "description2": "str",
        "upc": "str",
        "qualifier": "str",
        "received": 6.0,
        "available": 7.0,
        "isOnHold": true,
        "quarantined": true,
        "onHand": 10.0,
        "secondaryReceived": 1.0,
        "secondaryAvailable": 1.0,
        "lotNumber": "str",
        "serialNumber": "str",
        "expirationDate": "2016-12-25T23:00:00",
        "cost": 1.0,
        "supplierIdentifier": {
          "name": "str",
          "id": 2
        "locationIdentifier": {
          "nameKey": {
            "facilityIdentifier": {
              "name": "str",
              "id": 2
            "name": "str"
          "id": 1
        "palletIdentifier": {
          "nameKey": {
            "facilityIdentifier": {
              "name": "str",
              "id": 2
            "name": "str"
          "id": 1
        "palletTypeIdentifier": {
          "name": "str",
          "id": 2
        "inventoryUnitOfMeasureIdentifier": {
          "name": "str",
          "id": 2
        "secondaryUnitOfMeasureIdentifier": {
          "name": "str",
          "id": 2
        "inventoryUnitsPerSecondaryUnit": 1.0,
        "receiverId": 13,
        "receivedDate": "2016-12-25T23:00:00",
        "referenceNum": "str",
        "poNum": "str",
        "trailerNumber": "str",
        "savedElements": [
            "name": "str",
            "value": "str"
        "weightImperial": 1.0,
        "weightMetric": 1.0

This documentation is subject to change, and is updated often and without warning. The models documented may or may not be available to users now or in the future. Use this documentation at your own risk.
Contact with any questions about this documentation.