inventory auditcounts (
Collection: of auditcount
C# Rel Const:
URI template:
get all counts for given audit, including expected quantities
Success status: 200; ETag response header supplied
Name (* = required) Data Type Description
id * int facility id in which to perform the audit
aid * int audit id
all counts for an audit for each location, including expected quantities
Type Description
Name string audit name; readonly in this model
Summaries IEnumerable<Inventory.Models.AuditCountSummary> summary of counts and expected for skus within this audit
ItemTraits Generic.Models.ItemTraits unique identifying characteristics of an item in a location
ItemIdentifier Generic.Models.ItemIdentifier
Sku string
Id int
Qualifier string
LotNumber string
SerialNumber string
Cost decimal? ...
ExpirationDate DateTime? ...
PalletIdentifier Generic.Models.PalletIdentifier
NameKey Generic.Models.PalletNameKey
FacilityIdentifier Generic.Models.FacilityIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Name string
Id int
TotalCounted decimal for given sku, the total counted in the audit
TotalOnHand decimal for given sku, the total system on hand for given locations in the audit
TotalAvailable decimal for given sku, the total system available for given locations in the audit
TotalFacilityOnHand decimal for given sku, the total system on hand in the whole facility
TotalFacilityAvailable decimal for given sku, the total system available in the whole facility
OnHandInventoryLocations IEnumerable<Inventory.Models.OnHandInventoryLocation> locations and quantities of the TotalFacilityOnHand
LocationIdentifier Generic.Models.LocationIdentifier
NameKey Generic.Models.LocationNameKey
FacilityIdentifier Generic.Models.FacilityIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Name string
Id int
OnHand decimal
Available decimal
ResourceList IList<Inventory.Models.AuditCount>
CountId int internal id for this count; use in AuditCountIdentifier when moving and adjusting
LocationIdentifier Generic.Models.LocationIdentifier
NameKey Generic.Models.LocationNameKey
FacilityIdentifier Generic.Models.FacilityIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Name string
Id int
ItemTraits Generic.Models.ItemTraits either what was counted or what is contained within a location
Generic.Models.ItemTraits unique identifying characteristics of an item in a location
ItemIdentifier Generic.Models.ItemIdentifier
Sku string
Id int
Qualifier string
LotNumber string
SerialNumber string
Cost decimal? ...
ExpirationDate DateTime? ...
PalletIdentifier Generic.Models.PalletIdentifier
NameKey Generic.Models.PalletNameKey
FacilityIdentifier Generic.Models.FacilityIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Name string
Id int
Counted decimal how many was counted; zero if not counted but system thinks inventory is in given location
OnHand decimal how many the system thinks is on hand in given location
Available decimal how many the system thinks is available in given location
OtherInventoryOnHand IEnumerable<Inventory.Models.NotCounted> if Audit's CollectTrackbys true when counted or item doesn't allow trackbys: null; otherwise not null, listing on-hand quantities with any non-empty trackby in given location
LotNumber string
SerialNumber string
ExpirationDate DateTime? ...
OnHand decimal
Available decimal
Sample accept: application/hal+json
  "name": "str",
  "summaries": [
      "itemTraits": {
        "itemIdentifier": {
          "sku": "str",
          "id": 2
        "qualifier": "str",
        "lotNumber": "str",
        "serialNumber": "str",
        "cost": 1.0,
        "expirationDate": "2016-12-25T23:00:00",
        "palletIdentifier": {
          "nameKey": {
            "facilityIdentifier": {
              "name": "str",
              "id": 2
            "name": "str"
          "id": 1
      "totalCounted": 1.0,
      "totalOnHand": 2.0,
      "totalAvailable": 3.0,
      "totalFacilityOnHand": 4.0,
      "totalFacilityAvailable": 5.0,
      "onHandInventoryLocations": [
          "locationIdentifier": {
            "nameKey": {
              "facilityIdentifier": {
                "name": "str",
                "id": 2
              "name": "str"
            "id": 1
          "onHand": 1.0,
          "available": 2.0
  "_embedded": {
    "": [
        "countId": 1,
        "locationIdentifier": {
          "nameKey": {
            "facilityIdentifier": {
              "name": "str",
              "id": 2
            "name": "str"
          "id": 1
        "itemTraits": {
          "itemIdentifier": {
            "sku": "str",
            "id": 2
          "qualifier": "str",
          "lotNumber": "str",
          "serialNumber": "str",
          "cost": 1.0,
          "expirationDate": "2016-12-25T23:00:00",
          "palletIdentifier": {
            "nameKey": {
              "facilityIdentifier": {
                "name": "str",
                "id": 2
              "name": "str"
            "id": 1
        "counted": 2.0,
        "onHand": 3.0,
        "available": 4.0,
        "otherInventoryOnHand": [
            "lotNumber": "str",
            "serialNumber": "str",
            "expirationDate": "2016-12-25T23:00:00",
            "onHand": 3.0,
            "available": 4.0
delete all counts for given audit; does not delete locations from audit, merely the counts
If-Match request header required; Success status: 204
Name (* = required) Data Type Description
id * int facility id in which to perform the audit
aid * int audit id

This documentation is subject to change, and is updated often and without warning. The models documented may or may not be available to users now or in the future. Use this documentation at your own risk.
Contact with any questions about this documentation.