inventory auditswap (
Swap quantity between inventory records to reflect a physical inventory count
C# Rel Const:
URI template:
Obtain URI from:
Bumps stock on hand up for the destination while bumping down the sources until the destination on hand meets counted.
- The uri identifies a destination location/item where the counted quantity exceeds stock on hand, otherwise 403 NoNeedToSwap
- Sources must identify:
a) same facility as destination
b) different location from destination
c) same item+track-bys as destination
- In order for a swap to occur, each source should identify a location where stock on hand exceeds counted quantity; if not, silently ignored
- Once destination's count is met, additional sources are ignored.
- Errors:
-- 400 DoesNotExist: violation of (a)
-- 403 SameLocation: violation of (b)
-- 403 Mismatched: violation of (c)
Success status: 204
Name (* = required) Data Type Description
id * int facility id in which the audit occurred
aid * int inventory audit id
lid * int inventory audit location id
cid * int inventory audit count id
identifies inventory sources to satisfy the actual count in a particular location
a list of candidate source inventory audit counts
Type Description
AuditCountIdentifiers IEnumerable<Generic.Models.AuditCountIdentifier>
Uri string full href of an AuditCount, obtained from Rel AuditCounts
Id int
Sample content-type: application/hal+json
  "auditCountIdentifiers": [
      "uri": "str",
      "id": 2

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