Export for UPS

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Export for UPS

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The Export for UPS is mainly used to export the UPS orders to UPS Worldship so the orders can be processed. Once you send this over to UPS Worldship, you can update the order, print labels and use the Import from UPS option to update the tracking into 3PL Central.

To Export UPS orders to UPS WorldShip:

1. Choose Export for UPS.


The system will prompt you to the Export file for Small Packages screen.

From the Export file for Small Packages Screen the user can export all the orders or select specific orders to be exported to UPS WorldShip. The user will see the following options of this page:

1.This grid holds all the orders that the user has inputted into the system for UPS. The user can select all the orders selecting one order by clicking on it and then by holding down the shift key and scrolling to the last order by using the mouse to scroll or by clicking the side bar, and finally clicking the last order on the screen. The second option is that the user can select certain orders by holding the ctrl key down and simultaneously clicking the orders that should be exported.

2.There are options available to export packages to UPS WorldShip. One is All Packages, this option keeps the packages count as per what the order entails. In other words, the system populates this count as per how user has their item set up under Items. Another way to manage packages is under Manage Open Order Screen and Process Packages option. The second way a user can manage packages for their orders is under Shipping and Warehouse Pack option. The second option is One Package per Transaction, this option is used when the user decides to automatically assign one package per transaction meaning under UPS Worldship system will populate each transaction as one package each by default.

3.UPS Export Version 2 is used when to export the information to UPS version 2.

4.Populate ShipDate with current date is used to populate ship date with the date that they are exporting the order to UPS WorldShip. This is a good option specifically when exporting several orders at a time which require a certain ship date.

5.Select Export to proceed to the next step to export the orders out to UPS Worldship. Once you click this option, there are several steps that are need to followed. Those steps are provided to the when we complete the integration.

6.Select Close to close out of this option. Then the system will take the user back to the Package Options screen.
