Import from UPS or FedEx

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Import from UPS or FedEx

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Import from UPS or FedEx is used to Import the tracking information from small parcel integration like UPS, FedEx and USPS. This option is only used when the customer has integrations with 3PL Central.

Once the End of Day has been run in UPS Worldship and FedEx Shipmanager, you may import your tracking into 3PL Central by following the steps below:

1. Choose Import from UPS or FedEx.

The system will take the user to Import UPS or FedEx screen.


The tracking can be imported on the Import UPS or FedEx screen. The user needs to know where the shipmentexport.txt file is on their computer. This information is provided to the user when the integration is completed on their computer. In order to upload the tracking into the system:

1.Choose Browse and find the shipmentexport.txt file.

2.Choose Import once the file is found.

3.The order along with the tracking and charges will display here.

4.Finally, choose Update Orders.

5.The order will display here once the order is updated in the system.

Note: This option is used mainly to Import tracking into the system from FedEx and UPS.
