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The Receiving guide walks through the steps used to Create, Manage, and Confirm a Receiving transaction.  Before a Receiver is created, the following section should have been completed: Admin, Customer and Item Setup. This Receiving guide covers:

Create Receiving

Manage Open Receivings

Find Receivings

Import ASN

Send Receipt Advice


Access to Receiving functionality is granted to the following security levels:

Most Warehouse Users, with the exception of OrdOnly and Level 8

Customer Users with Cust6 and Cust7

Receiving Main Page

The Receiving process can be completed all at once in the 3PL Central user interface (UI), or the Receiving can be recorded as soon as product hits the dock, then a user can go back and complete the Receiving Transaction.  The Receiving process consists of 3 steps:

Create the Receipt - This is accomplished manually via the Create Receiving menu option OR or by file import via the Import ASN menu option. See Import ASN (Advanced Ship Notice) of this guide.

Receive against the Receipt (assign/put away the inventory to a location) - This is accomplished manually in the User Interface (UI) or via the mobile device

Complete the Receipt -This must be accomplished through the UI











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