Rolling Price

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Rolling Price

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The Rolling Price is a Weighted Rolling Average of the landed cost of all items on hand in the warehouse.  The calculations are made from the beginning of time to the Calculate up to this date: value.  If no value is entered, the current date will be used.  The Average Rolling Price will only populate for items that include a Cost track-by that is populated upon receiving (See the section on Receiving for more information).

The Weighted Rolling Average is the summation and division of all item quantity and landed cost combinations of on hand stock. If the Landed cost of an item fluctuates over time.  Any Receipt or Shipment of an item will result in a change to the weighted rolling average.


Example of Rolling Average Price based on Receiver and Order Transactions

100 Items Received with a cost of $1.00 each  Average Rolling Price = $1.00 Per Each

100 Items Received with a cost of $5.00 each.  Average Rolling Price = ((100*$1) +(100*$5))/200 = $3.00 Per Each

50 Items are Ordered based on FIFO.  Average Rolling Price = ((50*$1) + (100*$5))/150 = $3.67 Per Each

100 Items are Received with a cost of $1.00 each.  Rolling Average Price = ((150*$1)+(100*$5))/250 = $2.6 Per Each


To view the Weighted Rolling Average as of a specific date:

1.Enter a past date in the Calculate up to this date: field to calculate the Average Rolling Price up until a specific point in time.  Leave this field blank to calculate the Average Rolling Price through the current date.

2.Click the Search button.

3.The Rolling Price will be displayed in the Rolling Price column.
