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ASN - or Advanced Shipment Notification.  This is something sent to let a customer know a shipment is one its way.  Usually has an Expected Date and a full list of what is in the Shipment.

BOL - Bill of Lading.

Browse button - button with an ellipsis (...) on it.  Clicking it allows you to navigate to a folder or file on your local machine or your network.

Ctrl-click - holding down one of the control (Ctrl) keys and clicking.  This is used to select multiple items in a list, one at a time.  Usually these items are non-sequential (not next to each other) but you can use ctrl-click to select several items in a row, too.

Delete icon - a small picture that looks like a metal garbage can.  Clicking it deletes the information on the same row as the icon, if possible.  Often you will be asked to confirm your decision, but don't depend on that.

Edit icon - A small picture that looks (hopefully) like a piece of paper with a pencil diagonally across it.  This icon usually appears on each line of a grid where the data can be edited.  Clicking it will open a popup window with the data from the associated row, allowing you to change some fields and then save those changes.

FTL - Full TruckLoad.  A load that will fill a trailer.  Also used in science fiction to indicate Faster Than Light travel or propulsion systems.

Hover - hold your mouse cursor over something for a couple of seconds.  When the word 'hover' is used, it implies that holding the mouse over the named control for a short time will cause something to happen.  In the case of this software, it often causes a menu or sub-menu to open.  Hovering over a control is also how you see any associated Tool Tip (short message that appears to help you understand the use of the control).

LTL - Less than TruckLoad.  Applies to shipping amounts that do not require a full trailer to ship.

Menu - a collection of commands in a hierarchical structure.  For example, the File menu on most programs contains a number of things you can do.  Some of those have arrows next to them, which shows that they'll open up to show another group of things you can do (commands).

Menu Bar - the blue menu immediately underneath the logo (if you have one) on your main screen.  Usually starts with Shipping on the left, and ends with Home on the right.  (ends with Home, that's pretty funny).

NMFC Codes - National Motor Freight Classification codes.  Codes used to indicate the class of freight being moved.

Popup Window - a general term used for any window that appears over the top of the current window/view without replacing it or completely obscuring (hiding) it.

Radio Button - these buttons look like little dots with one filled in, and all the others blank.  The name comes from the preset buttons they used to have on radios.  Only one could be selected at a time.  That's the same rule here, selecting one causes the previously selected button to become unselected.

Shift-click - holding down one of the Shift keys while clicking items in a list.  This is used to select a range of items which include the first item clicked and the second one clicked, and all items between them.

Submenu - the gray menu underneath the blue Menu Bar.  The Submenu's contents are determined by which Menu item is selected on the Menu Bar.  For example, if Shipping is selected, you could expect to see Create Order, Manage Open Order, and Find Orders on starting the Submenu selections.

Trash Can icon - see Delete icon.