Generate Charge by Weight Ranges

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Generate Charge by Weight Ranges

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Full Name: Generate Single Shipping Charge by Weight Ranges for Items and Cartons

Description: Shipping charges based on weight of the Labeling Unit and the individual item.



User Input: NONE.  This script is completely hard coded (non-configurable).  If you don't like the way it does it's math, please don't use it.

Explanation: This script doesn't take any parameters.  It is hard coded with amounts to charge by weight, and was done for a specific customer.  Cartons less than 25 pounds are charged .33 each, 25 - 50 pounds are charged .84 each, and over 50 pounds are charged 2.10 each.  Individual items less than 10 are charged .15 each with a .33 max.  10-25 pounds .33 each, 25-50 pounds .84 each, 50+ pounds 2.10 each.  All individual costs are added into a single value and marked as Shipping by Weight.