Tiered Carton Count Fee

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Tiered Carton Count Fee

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Description: Escalating charges for each tiered quantity of cartons (Num Units 1)



User Input:


Explanation: To make this work, you need to define a number of "tiers" for the Num Units 1 amount.  The script goes through those tiers, finds the largest one that your Num Units 1 is less than, and assigns that charge.  For example, if you set a default of $5, then the following for the Tiered charges: 25:18, 20:15, 10:10 then if your number of units was 9 (less than 10) the charge would be 10.  If it was 10 through 19, the charge would be 15 (less than 20) if it was 20 through 24 (less than 25) it would be 18 dollars, and if it was 25 or more, the default of $5 would be used.  You need to put your teired charges in from larges quantity to lowest quantity for this to work correctly, since it checks them in order, and takes the first one that is less than the Num Units 1 quantity, then is done.