Add/Edit Movable Units

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Add/Edit Movable Units

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Adding and Editing of Movable Units is done on the same screens, the only difference being that Editing starts you out with some fields filled in, and Adding you have to do more of the work yourself.  Just the Add process is detailed below, but you can use this information to help you Edit, too.

To Add a Movable Unit:

1. Click on the Add button and the system will go to the New Movable Unit Type screen.


Screen Features:

1.Code: The name of the Movable Unit (This can be any name created by the Admin User).

2.The Description of the Movable Unit.

3.The Material Type can be any one of five choices from the named Material Types.

4.Load Type: is to specify whether the Movable Unit material items are being packed into a Container or being stacked like they would be on a Pallet.

5.Cost and Rate listing (Optional).

6.Dimensions of the Movable Unit (Optional).

7.Close to not save any details and exit this screen.

8.Save the details of this Movable Unit and the system will go to the Movable Unit Type List screen.
