Movable Units

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Movable Units

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The Movable Units guide walks through the general setup of your Movable Unit Label Templates.

In this Movable Units section, you will learn how to:

Add Movable Units.

Edit Movable Units.

Delete Movable Units.

These changes can be accomplished by Administrative Level 1 users only. Note: Movable Units work in conjunction with the Item Setup.

To view Movable Units:

1.Select the Admin Tab.

2.Choose Movable Units and the system will go to the Movable Units Type List screen.


Screen Features:

1.Movable Units grid containing individual Movable Units.

2.Add button to create a new Movable Units.

3.Edit button to edit an existing Movable Units.

4.Delete button to delete a Movable Units.

5.Close button to exit the Movable Units Type List screen.
