Create Warehouse

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Create Warehouse

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The Create & Manage Warehouse guide will walk you through general steps used to create a Warehouse in the system.  In this Warehouse section, you will learn how to:

Create a New Warehouse.

Manage a Warehouse by Editing Warehouse Information.

The creation and managing of a Warehouse can be accomplished by Administrative Level 1 users only.

Admin Main Page Screen

1. To Create a Warehouse, choose Create a New Warehouse.


From the Create Warehouse Screen:

1.The Red * signs indicates fields that are required to be completed.

2.Fuel Surcharge: If you are using a Fuel Surcharge in future billing, this is an internal reminder that will remind you this Warehouse (based on its location or other factors) will be using a Fuel Surcharge (example: 1.3 = $1.30 per US Gallons).

3.Use only predefined locations: The Warehouse will require all receiving line items be placed into a location. Choosing this box will require all line items on a receiver to be assigned a location upon receiving. If you don't choose this box, items can be received without selecting a location.

4.Number of fields per location: The number of qualifiers for each label location in the Warehouse. The maximum is 4 and the minimum is 1.

5.Measurement System Default: Select US or Metric (Example: Inches vs Centimeters).

6.Click Save.


Create Warehouse Screen

1.Warehouse Code: This is an internal number that you can create using letters or numbers in combination.

2.Phone: This is an internal phone number for this Warehouse.

3.Fax: This is an internal fax number for this Warehouse.

4.UPS or FedEx Acct. #: If you list your internal shipping account number in this field, it will appear (along with your billing zip code) on the Carrier and Routing information on a shipping order Select Sender for FedEx. and Select Prepaid for UPS, respectfully.

5.Inactive: You can make a Warehouse Inactive buy choosing this box. You will not be able to ship or receive from this Warehouse.


1. After choosing Save, the pop-up window for the creation of a Warehouse will appear. Choose OK to complete the creation of a new Warehouse.


When you click OK you will automatically be taken to the Manage Facilities screen.