customers customermanualrates (
rates for standard transaction fees charged on an as needed basis
C# Rel Const:
URI template:
Success status: 200; ETag response header supplied; Response is cacheable
Name (* = required) Data Type Description
id * int
transactiontype Common.Enum.WarehouseTransactionType
Type Description
XactionTypeRates IEnumerable<Customer.Models.XactionTypeManualRates>
WarehouseTransactionType Common.Enum.WarehouseTransactionType
- 0: Default
- 1: Inbound
- 2: Order
- 3: Adjust
- 4: Assembly
SubType Common.Enum.SubType further clarifies WarehouseTransactionType, currently only for Adjustments
- 0: None
- 1: TransferTo corresponds to a receiver-like adjustment, hence same numeric value as WarehouseTransactionType Inbound
- 2: TransferFrom corresponds to an order-like adjustment, hence same numeric value as WarehouseTransactionType Order
ChargeTypeRates IEnumerable<Customer.Models.XactionManualChargeTypeRates>
ChargeType Common.Enum.PriceCalcFieldType charge type
- 1: Handling
- 2: Storage
- 3: PrepaidFreight
- 4: ThirdPartyFreight
- 5: SpecialCharges
- 6: Materials
- 7: AutoCalcStorage used internally for sys-gen'ed charges
- 8: AutoCalcHandling used internally for sys-gen'ed charges
- 8: MAXVAL ignore, not a real value
DefaultGlAcctNum string
Script Customer.Models.ScriptInfo
TemplateIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Parameters IEnumerable<Customer.Models.ScriptParameterInfo> for ScriptParamTemplate.IsMultiple true: multiple entries allowed for given param, where the ordering within Parameters is significant
ParameterIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptParameterTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Value string
Rates IEnumerable<Customer.Models.XactionManualChargeTypeRate>
PriceCalcRateId int for PUT, specify zero for new charge, non-zero to update existing charge
ChargeLabel string
UnitDescription string
ChargePerUnit decimal
Notes string
GlAcctNum string
PeachTreeItem string
PeachTreeItemDescription string
PeachTreeArAcct string
Required bool
TaxCode string 3 tax fields for QuickBooks Canada
TaxRate decimal? ...
TaxAgency string
Script Customer.Models.ScriptInfo
TemplateIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Parameters IEnumerable<Customer.Models.ScriptParameterInfo> for ScriptParamTemplate.IsMultiple true: multiple entries allowed for given param, where the ordering within Parameters is significant
ParameterIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptParameterTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Value string
Script Customer.Models.ScriptInfo
TemplateIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Parameters IEnumerable<Customer.Models.ScriptParameterInfo> for ScriptParamTemplate.IsMultiple true: multiple entries allowed for given param, where the ordering within Parameters is significant
ParameterIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptParameterTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Value string
Sample accept: application/hal+json
  "xactionTypeRates": [
      "warehouseTransactionType": 0,
      "subType": 0,
      "chargeTypeRates": [
          "chargeType": 1,
          "defaultGlAcctNum": "str",
          "script": {
            "templateIdentifier": {
              "name": "str",
              "id": 2
            "parameters": [
                "parameterIdentifier": {
                  "name": "str",
                  "id": 2
                "value": "str"
          "rates": [
              "priceCalcRateId": 1,
              "chargeLabel": "str",
              "unitDescription": "str",
              "chargePerUnit": 4.0,
              "notes": "str",
              "glAcctNum": "str",
              "peachTreeItem": "str",
              "peachTreeItemDescription": "str",
              "peachTreeArAcct": "str",
              "required": true,
              "taxCode": "str",
              "taxRate": 1.0,
              "taxAgency": "str",
              "script": {
                "templateIdentifier": {
                  "name": "str",
                  "id": 2
                "parameters": [
                    "parameterIdentifier": {
                      "name": "str",
                      "id": 2
                    "value": "str"
      "script": {
        "templateIdentifier": {
          "name": "str",
          "id": 2
        "parameters": [
            "parameterIdentifier": {
              "name": "str",
              "id": 2
            "value": "str"
If-Match request header required; Success status: 200; ETag response header supplied
Name (* = required) Data Type Description
id * int
Type Description
XactionTypeRates IEnumerable<Customer.Models.XactionTypeManualRates>
WarehouseTransactionType Common.Enum.WarehouseTransactionType
- 0: Default
- 1: Inbound
- 2: Order
- 3: Adjust
- 4: Assembly
SubType Common.Enum.SubType further clarifies WarehouseTransactionType, currently only for Adjustments
- 0: None
- 1: TransferTo corresponds to a receiver-like adjustment, hence same numeric value as WarehouseTransactionType Inbound
- 2: TransferFrom corresponds to an order-like adjustment, hence same numeric value as WarehouseTransactionType Order
ChargeTypeRates IEnumerable<Customer.Models.XactionManualChargeTypeRates>
ChargeType Common.Enum.PriceCalcFieldType charge type
- 1: Handling
- 2: Storage
- 3: PrepaidFreight
- 4: ThirdPartyFreight
- 5: SpecialCharges
- 6: Materials
- 7: AutoCalcStorage used internally for sys-gen'ed charges
- 8: AutoCalcHandling used internally for sys-gen'ed charges
- 8: MAXVAL ignore, not a real value
DefaultGlAcctNum string
Script Customer.Models.ScriptInfo
TemplateIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Parameters IEnumerable<Customer.Models.ScriptParameterInfo> for ScriptParamTemplate.IsMultiple true: multiple entries allowed for given param, where the ordering within Parameters is significant
ParameterIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptParameterTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Value string
Rates IEnumerable<Customer.Models.XactionManualChargeTypeRate>
PriceCalcRateId int for PUT, specify zero for new charge, non-zero to update existing charge
ChargeLabel string
UnitDescription string
ChargePerUnit decimal
Notes string
GlAcctNum string
PeachTreeItem string
PeachTreeItemDescription string
PeachTreeArAcct string
Required bool
TaxCode string 3 tax fields for QuickBooks Canada
TaxRate decimal? ...
TaxAgency string
Script Customer.Models.ScriptInfo
TemplateIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Parameters IEnumerable<Customer.Models.ScriptParameterInfo> for ScriptParamTemplate.IsMultiple true: multiple entries allowed for given param, where the ordering within Parameters is significant
ParameterIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptParameterTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Value string
Script Customer.Models.ScriptInfo
TemplateIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Parameters IEnumerable<Customer.Models.ScriptParameterInfo> for ScriptParamTemplate.IsMultiple true: multiple entries allowed for given param, where the ordering within Parameters is significant
ParameterIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptParameterTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Value string
Sample content-type: application/hal+json
  "xactionTypeRates": [
      "warehouseTransactionType": 0,
      "subType": 0,
      "chargeTypeRates": [
          "chargeType": 1,
          "defaultGlAcctNum": "str",
          "script": {
            "templateIdentifier": {
              "name": "str",
              "id": 2
            "parameters": [
                "parameterIdentifier": {
                  "name": "str",
                  "id": 2
                "value": "str"
          "rates": [
              "priceCalcRateId": 1,
              "chargeLabel": "str",
              "unitDescription": "str",
              "chargePerUnit": 4.0,
              "notes": "str",
              "glAcctNum": "str",
              "peachTreeItem": "str",
              "peachTreeItemDescription": "str",
              "peachTreeArAcct": "str",
              "required": true,
              "taxCode": "str",
              "taxRate": 1.0,
              "taxAgency": "str",
              "script": {
                "templateIdentifier": {
                  "name": "str",
                  "id": 2
                "parameters": [
                    "parameterIdentifier": {
                      "name": "str",
                      "id": 2
                    "value": "str"
      "script": {
        "templateIdentifier": {
          "name": "str",
          "id": 2
        "parameters": [
            "parameterIdentifier": {
              "name": "str",
              "id": 2
            "value": "str"
Type Description
XactionTypeRates IEnumerable<Customer.Models.XactionTypeManualRates>
WarehouseTransactionType Common.Enum.WarehouseTransactionType
- 0: Default
- 1: Inbound
- 2: Order
- 3: Adjust
- 4: Assembly
SubType Common.Enum.SubType further clarifies WarehouseTransactionType, currently only for Adjustments
- 0: None
- 1: TransferTo corresponds to a receiver-like adjustment, hence same numeric value as WarehouseTransactionType Inbound
- 2: TransferFrom corresponds to an order-like adjustment, hence same numeric value as WarehouseTransactionType Order
ChargeTypeRates IEnumerable<Customer.Models.XactionManualChargeTypeRates>
ChargeType Common.Enum.PriceCalcFieldType charge type
- 1: Handling
- 2: Storage
- 3: PrepaidFreight
- 4: ThirdPartyFreight
- 5: SpecialCharges
- 6: Materials
- 7: AutoCalcStorage used internally for sys-gen'ed charges
- 8: AutoCalcHandling used internally for sys-gen'ed charges
- 8: MAXVAL ignore, not a real value
DefaultGlAcctNum string
Script Customer.Models.ScriptInfo
TemplateIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Parameters IEnumerable<Customer.Models.ScriptParameterInfo> for ScriptParamTemplate.IsMultiple true: multiple entries allowed for given param, where the ordering within Parameters is significant
ParameterIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptParameterTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Value string
Rates IEnumerable<Customer.Models.XactionManualChargeTypeRate>
PriceCalcRateId int for PUT, specify zero for new charge, non-zero to update existing charge
ChargeLabel string
UnitDescription string
ChargePerUnit decimal
Notes string
GlAcctNum string
PeachTreeItem string
PeachTreeItemDescription string
PeachTreeArAcct string
Required bool
TaxCode string 3 tax fields for QuickBooks Canada
TaxRate decimal? ...
TaxAgency string
Script Customer.Models.ScriptInfo
TemplateIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Parameters IEnumerable<Customer.Models.ScriptParameterInfo> for ScriptParamTemplate.IsMultiple true: multiple entries allowed for given param, where the ordering within Parameters is significant
ParameterIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptParameterTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Value string
Script Customer.Models.ScriptInfo
TemplateIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Parameters IEnumerable<Customer.Models.ScriptParameterInfo> for ScriptParamTemplate.IsMultiple true: multiple entries allowed for given param, where the ordering within Parameters is significant
ParameterIdentifier Generic.Models.ScriptParameterTemplateIdentifier
Name string
Id int
Value string
Sample accept: application/hal+json
  "xactionTypeRates": [
      "warehouseTransactionType": 0,
      "subType": 0,
      "chargeTypeRates": [
          "chargeType": 1,
          "defaultGlAcctNum": "str",
          "script": {
            "templateIdentifier": {
              "name": "str",
              "id": 2
            "parameters": [
                "parameterIdentifier": {
                  "name": "str",
                  "id": 2
                "value": "str"
          "rates": [
              "priceCalcRateId": 1,
              "chargeLabel": "str",
              "unitDescription": "str",
              "chargePerUnit": 4.0,
              "notes": "str",
              "glAcctNum": "str",
              "peachTreeItem": "str",
              "peachTreeItemDescription": "str",
              "peachTreeArAcct": "str",
              "required": true,
              "taxCode": "str",
              "taxRate": 1.0,
              "taxAgency": "str",
              "script": {
                "templateIdentifier": {
                  "name": "str",
                  "id": 2
                "parameters": [
                    "parameterIdentifier": {
                      "name": "str",
                      "id": 2
                    "value": "str"
      "script": {
        "templateIdentifier": {
          "name": "str",
          "id": 2
        "parameters": [
            "parameterIdentifier": {
              "name": "str",
              "id": 2
            "value": "str"

This documentation is subject to change, and is updated often and without warning. The models documented may or may not be available to users now or in the future. Use this documentation at your own risk.
Contact with any questions about this documentation.