Resource:customer: company contact, primary contact, groups, facilities, optionsC# Rel Const:Rels.CustomerSvc.CustomerURI template:{id}Obtain URI from:/rels/customers/customerbarcodedef , /rels/customers/customerbarcodedefs , /rels/customers/charges , /rels/customers/customerautorates , /rels/customers/customerbolmessage , /rels/customers/customerbolmessages , /rels/customers/customerboltemplate , /rels/customers/customerboltemplates , /rels/customers/customerbriefs , /rels/customers/customercarrieraccount , /rels/customers/carriermarkup , /rels/customers/customermanualrates , /rels/customers/customerordersource , /rels/customers/packinglisttemplates , /rels/customers/customersummary , /rels/customers/emailalertdef , /rels/customers/emailalertdefs , /rels/customers/ftpalertdef , /rels/customers/ftpalertdefs , /rels/customers/item , /rels/customers/itemalias , /rels/customers/itemizedchargeslist , /rels/customers/itemrates , /rels/customers/itemsummaries , /rels/customers/ordercontact , /rels/customers/ordercontacts , /rels/customers/retailer , /rels/customers/skusunionaliases , /rels/customers/supplier , /rels/customers/suppliers , /rels/inventory/adjustment , /rels/inventory/assembly , /rels/inventory/item , /rels/inventory/locations , /rels/inventory/inventoryreduction , /rels/inventory/purchaseorder , /rels/inventory/receiveritem , /rels/inventory/receiver , /rels/inventory/receiverdigests , /rels/inventory/receiversummaries , /rels/orders/order , /rels/orders/digests , /rels/orders/pickjob
Get customer.
Success status: 200; ETag response header supplied; Response is cacheable
Name (* = required) | Data Type | Description |
id * | int | customer id |
Type | Description | |
ReadOnly | Customer.Models.CustomerReadOnly | these fields are not updatable by the API client |
CustomerId | int | |
CreationDate | DateTime? ... | |
Deactivated | bool | |
CompanyInfo | Generic.Models.ContactInfo | customer.contact1 |
Generic.Models.ContactInfo | in GETs: the contact; in POSTs or PUTs: identifies existing contact or properties of new contact more... | |
ContactId | int? ... | for identifying: if known specify only this; other fields are ignored |
CompanyName | string | |
Name | string | |
Title | string | |
Address1 | string | |
Address2 | string | |
City | string | |
State | string | |
Zip | string | |
Country | string | |
PhoneNumber | string | |
Fax | string | |
EmailAddress | string | |
Dept | string | |
IsAddressResidential | bool | |
Code | string | for identifying: if known specify only this; if other fields also specified it is not used to identify |
AddressStatus | Common.Enum.AddressStatusType | confirmation status |
- 0: Unconfirmed | ||
- 1: Confirmed | ||
- 2: UserAccepted | ||
PrimaryContact | Generic.Models.ContactInfo | customer.customercontacts where contact type is primary |
Generic.Models.ContactInfo | in GETs: the contact; in POSTs or PUTs: identifies existing contact or properties of new contact more... | |
ContactId | int? ... | for identifying: if known specify only this; other fields are ignored |
CompanyName | string | |
Name | string | |
Title | string | |
Address1 | string | |
Address2 | string | |
City | string | |
State | string | |
Zip | string | |
Country | string | |
PhoneNumber | string | |
Fax | string | |
EmailAddress | string | |
Dept | string | |
IsAddressResidential | bool | |
Code | string | for identifying: if known specify only this; if other fields also specified it is not used to identify |
AddressStatus | Common.Enum.AddressStatusType | confirmation status |
- 0: Unconfirmed | ||
- 1: Confirmed | ||
- 2: UserAccepted | ||
OtherContacts | IEnumerable<Generic.Models.OtherContactInfo> | customer.customercontacts where contact type is other than primary |
Type | Generic.Models.OtherCustomerContactType | |
- 2: Invoicing | ||
- 3: Additional | ||
- 4: For753 | ||
- 5: SmallParcelReturnLabel | ||
ContactId | int? ... | for identifying: if known specify only this; other fields are ignored |
CompanyName | string | |
Name | string | |
Title | string | |
Address1 | string | |
Address2 | string | |
City | string | |
State | string | |
Zip | string | |
Country | string | |
PhoneNumber | string | |
Fax | string | |
EmailAddress | string | |
Dept | string | |
IsAddressResidential | bool | |
Code | string | for identifying: if known specify only this; if other fields also specified it is not used to identify |
AddressStatus | Common.Enum.AddressStatusType | confirmation status |
- 0: Unconfirmed | ||
- 1: Confirmed | ||
- 2: UserAccepted | ||
WebSite | string | information only, in case you want to see more about the customer's business |
ExternalId | string | connection of this customer to the same customer on some other system |
Groups | IEnumerable<string> | list of groups this customer belongs to |
Facilities | IEnumerable<Generic.Models.FacilityIdentifier> | list of facilities this customer's items are stored in, the first is the primary facility |
Name | string | |
Id | int | |
PrimaryFacilityIdentifier | Generic.Models.FacilityIdentifier | same as the first in Facilities; populated by GET, ignored by POST and PUT |
Name | string | |
Id | int | |
Options | Customer.Models.Options | customer preferences |
Customer.Models.Options | assemblage of all manner of capabilities the system allows for this customer, scraped together from multiple database sources | |
Alerts | Customer.Models.Alerts | |
ExpirationNotificationThreshold | int | number of days??? |
NotifyShipTo | bool | |
FromEmailAddress | string | |
SenderName | string | |
ReplyToAddress | string | |
WebHookParameters | IEnumerable<Generic.Models.WebHookParametersForEvents> | Web Hook configuration at the Customer (C2) level |
Name | string | |
Resource | string | Domain: Order, Receiver, Adjustment, Assembly, OrderItem, Item, InventorySummary |
EventTypes | string | a comma-delimited list of supported event types; must be within 'Resource', e.g., if the Resource is 'Order", all EventTypes must be Orderxxx |
Url | string | |
IncludeResource | bool | |
ResourceApiParameters | string | as defined in the REL documentation for the Resource |
Storage | Customer.Models.Storage | |
FuelSurcharge | decimal | positive int percentage 0-100 |
SetInvoiceDateToXactionConfirmDate | bool | |
AccountingCustomerName | string | |
AutoFillChargesOnConfirm | bool | |
Edi | Customer.Models.Edi | |
CustInterchangeId | string | |
CustInterchangeIdQual | string | |
ThreeplInterchangeId | string | |
ThreeplInterchangeIdQual | string | |
TradingPartnerId | string | |
Receiving | Customer.Models.Receiving | |
PurchaseOrders | bool | |
CreateMultipleMus | bool | |
DisplayWeightFieldForReceipt | bool | |
ReceiveAgainstAsns | Common.Enum.ReceiveAgainstAsns | |
- 0: Disabled | ||
- 1: Enabled | ||
- 2: Blind | ||
SuggestedPutAwayEnabled | bool | |
AutoFillTrackBys | bool | Should be in Shipping - direct Smart Pack whether to auto fill trackbys |
TrackLocation | Common.Enum.UsageLevel | |
- 0: Disallow | ||
- 1: Allow | ||
- 2: Require | ||
TrackPallets | Common.Enum.UsageLevel | |
- 0: Disallow | ||
- 1: Allow | ||
- 2: Require | ||
TrackSupplier | Common.Enum.UsageLevel | |
- 0: Disallow | ||
- 1: Allow | ||
- 2: Require | ||
InheritOriginalReceiptDateOnTransfer | bool | false: set receipt date to transfer date when receiving inventory via customer-to-customer transfer; true: inherit original receipt date |
Shipping | Customer.Models.Shipping | |
NextMasterBolId | Int64 | Readonly value; see NextMasterBolIdOverride |
NextMasterBolIdOverride | Int64? ... | To override the system-generated NextMasterBolId |
BolNumAsTransNum | bool | |
AutoConfirmOrderOnTrackingUpdate | bool | |
FulfillmentInvoicing | Common.Enum.FulfillmentInvoicing | |
- 0: Disabled | ||
- 1: Enabled | ||
- 2: Prepopulated | ||
OrderQueue | bool | |
AutoPrintCartonLabelDefault | bool | Sets default on or off for Smart Pack's Auto-print labels checkbox |
SmartPackScaleEnabled | bool | |
RequireTrackingNumber | bool | |
UpsAccountNumber | string | |
UpsAccountZip | string | |
FedExAccountNumber | string | |
PrepopulateCarrierInfo | Common.Enum.PrepopulateCarrierInfo | |
- 0: Off | ||
- 1: On | ||
- 2: PrepaidOnly | ||
- 3: ThirdPartyOnly | ||
PackingListLogoUrl | string | on GET: url of image; on POST or PUT: url of image -or- {fileExtension}:{base64-encoded image} |
PackingListFooterUrl | string | on GET: url of image; on POST or PUT: url of image -or- {fileExtension}:{base64-encoded image} |
RounduptoFullMU | bool | |
QuickBooksPaymentTerms | string | |
AsnPreCheck | Customer.Models.AsnPreCheck | |
RequireScacForAsn | bool | Prevents sending an ASN when SCAC is not specified |
RequireAttachedDocuments | bool | Prevents sending an ASN when the order has no attached docs |
AsnPreCheckOptions | Customer.Models.AsnPreCheckOptions | Prevents sending an ASN when any of the checks associated with the options in this bit flag fail |
- 0: None | ||
- 1: HasWeight | Prevents sending an ASN when total pkg weight or any individual packages weight is 0 | |
- 2: HasVolume | Prevents sending an ASN when total volume or any individual packages volume is 0 | |
- 4: HasPackages | Prevents sending an ASN when the number of packages is 0 | |
- 8: HasCarrier | Prevents sending an ASN when Carrier is not specified | |
- 16: HasBillOfLading | Prevents sending an ASN when BillOfLading is not specified | |
- 32: HasLoadNumber | Prevents sending an ASN when LoadNumber is not specified | |
- 64: HasPoNumber | Prevents sending an ASN when PO Number is not specified | |
- 128: IsClosed | Prevents sending an ASN when the order is not closed | |
OrderLevelFlexFields | String[] | Prevents sending an ASN when the listed Flex Fields are not all specified at the order level |
OrderItemLevelFlexFields | String[] | Prevents sending an ASN when the listed Flex Fields are not all specified at the order item level |
AutoBatchOptions | Customer.Models.AutoBatchOptions | |
Enabled | bool | |
BatchSize | int | |
CutOffHour | int | |
CutOffMinute | int | |
Rules | List<Customer.Models.AutoBatchRules> | |
Name | string | |
GroupOnCarrier | bool | |
Packaging | Customer.Models.Packaging | |
SmallParcelUsps3rdParty | string | |
Gs1CompanyPrefix | string | |
UseVendorIdOnBol | bool | |
SpsCloseOnUpdate | bool | |
SpsDisableAutoClearBinId | bool | |
SmallParcelReturnShippingCost | bool | |
SmallParcelReturnFedExService | string | |
SmallParcelUspsReturnType | string | |
SmallParcelReturnUpsService | string | |
SmallParcelReturnDefaultChecked | bool | |
SmallParcelHighVolumeDefaultChecked | bool | |
SmallParcelHighVolumeZplBatched | bool | |
SmallParcelReferences | string | |
SmallParcelIntlDutyBillType | string | |
SmallParcelCustomizeDuties | bool | |
SmallParcelDutiesAndTaxes | string | |
SmallParcelCreatePackagesOnFind | bool | |
SmallParcelRateShoppingCarrierIds | string | |
SmallParcelRateShoppingLogic | string | |
SmallParcelZplPrintDefault | bool | |
SmallParcelAutoRateShopOnShip | bool | |
SmallParcelDisableClickToPack | bool | |
SmallParcelReturnPitneyExpService | string | |
SmallParcelReturnPitneyStdService | string | |
SmallParcelRateShopFilter | string | |
SmallParcelCarrierSelectionV2 | bool | |
SmallParcelDefaultLabelTemplate | string | |
SmallParcelRateShoppingCarrierAccounts | string | |
SmallParcelPackSlip | string | |
SmallParcelAddressTemplate | string | |
SmallParcelDefaultCartonLabel | string | |
SmallParcelSendFulfillInvSalePrice | bool | |
OtherSystemBehaviors | Customer.Models.OtherSystemBehaviors | |
FlexFields | bool | |
AllowDuplicateUPCs | bool | if AllowDuplicateUPCs is true, Unit-of-measure-based UPCs are disabled |
MobileProcessingBehaviors | Customer.Models.MobileProcessingBehaviors | |
AutoAdvanceLineItem | bool | |
AutoFillSameSkuAndTrackby | bool | |
AllowMultiplePickers | bool | |
AllowMovingOpenReceipts | bool | |
AllowOptionalCustomFields | bool | |
AllowRequiredCustomFields | bool | |
UserInterface | Customer.Models.UserInterface | |
HideLocationSelectedList | bool | |
ExcludeLocationsWithZeroInventory | bool | |
AutoCheckAutoReallocateOnReceive | bool | |
TransactionConfirmInvoiceCreateDefault | Common.Enum.TransactionConfirmInvoiceCreateDefault | |
- 0: Off | ||
- 1: On | ||
- 2: ReceiversOnly | ||
- 3: OrdersOnly | ||
MobileReceiptQuantityOneDefault | bool | |
ReallocateAtPickTime | bool | |
BrandingImageId | int | |
Dashboard | bool | |
SavedElements | Customer.Models.SavedElementDefs | UI assistance for adding saved elements to a transaction and its line items. Since it is merely a UI assistance, it is up to a UI to decide if, how and when it will verify requiredness. In other words, business logic doesn't care. |
Orders | Customer.Models.SavedElementTransDef | |
Defs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction itself, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
ItemDefs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction's line items, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
Receivers | Customer.Models.SavedElementTransDef | |
Defs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction itself, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
ItemDefs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction's line items, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
Links | IList<WebApi.Hal.Link> | |
- edit | If Link.Name contains 'Disallow: ' with DELETE in the list, then customer cannot be deleted because it is in use. | |
- /rels/customers/items | Items belonging to this customer. | |
- /rels/customers/skusunionaliases | Customer's skus combined with aliases, abbreviated info | |
- /rels/customers/customermanualrates | Customer's configured charges for manually adding to transactions. | |
- /rels/customers/customerautorates | Customer's configured charges for automatically adding to transactions. | |
- /rels/customers/retailers | ||
- /rels/customers/customerlogo | ||
- /rels/customers/packinglisttemplates | ||
- /rels/customers/ordercontacts | Contacts referenced on orders belonging to this customer. | |
- /rels/customers/customersactivate | Operator to activate/deactivate a customer. See ReadOnly.Deactivated for current state. | |
- /rels/properties/facilitysummaries | List of facilities in which this customer stores goods. | |
- /rels/properties/facility | each facility in which customer stores goods, first is primary facility | |
- /rels/customers/customertransforms | List of transforms for this customer. | |
- /rels/customers/suppliers | List of suppliers for this customer. | |
- /rels/customers/supplierindex | item index within list of suppliers | |
- /rels/customers/customerbarcodedefs | List of barcode definitions for this customer | |
- /rels/customers/customerboltemplates | List of bill-of-lading templates for this customer | |
- /rels/customers/customerbolmessages | List of bill-of-lading messages for this customer | |
- /rels/customers/channels | list of import channels for this customer | |
- /rels/customers/alertqueuer | queue an alert if the customer is setup for notifications of the specified type. | |
- /rels/customers/errorlogs | post an error | |
- /rels/customers/itemratesgroup | update storage and/or(depending on updateType) transactional rates for the specified items | |
- /rels/customers/itemratesgroups | storage and transactional rates for the specified items (optional) of this customer if all rates are the same, otherwise an empty ItemRates is returned | |
- /rels/customers/customercarrieraccounts | Used for small parcel shipping. | |
- /rels/customers/carriermarkups | Used for small parcel shipping markup. | |
- /rels/inventory/itemminimum | items which reached their minimum threshold. | |
- /rels/inventory/locationminimum | items per location which reached their minimum threshold . | |
- /rels/customers/markforlists | ||
- /rels/customers/itemaliases | ||
- /rels/customers/itemaliaslistfileparse | ||
- /rels/customers/itemaliaslistimport | ||
- /rels/customers/emailtemplate | ||
- /rels/customers/emailalertdef | ||
- /rels/customers/emailalertdefs | ||
- /rels/customers/ftpalertdefs | ||
- /rels/properties/contact |
{ "readOnly": { "customerId": 1, "creationDate": "2016-12-25T23:00:00", "deactivated": true }, "companyInfo": { "contactId": 1, "companyName": "str", "name": "str", "title": "str", "address1": "str", "address2": "str", "city": "str", "state": "str", "zip": "str", "country": "str", "phoneNumber": "str", "fax": "str", "emailAddress": "str", "dept": "str", "isAddressResidential": true, "code": "str", "addressStatus": 0 }, "primaryContact": { "contactId": 1, "companyName": "str", "name": "str", "title": "str", "address1": "str", "address2": "str", "city": "str", "state": "str", "zip": "str", "country": "str", "phoneNumber": "str", "fax": "str", "emailAddress": "str", "dept": "str", "isAddressResidential": true, "code": "str", "addressStatus": 0 }, "otherContacts": [ { "type": 2, "contactId": 1, "companyName": "str", "name": "str", "title": "str", "address1": "str", "address2": "str", "city": "str", "state": "str", "zip": "str", "country": "str", "phoneNumber": "str", "fax": "str", "emailAddress": "str", "dept": "str", "isAddressResidential": true, "code": "str", "addressStatus": 0 } ], "webSite": "str", "externalId": "str", "groups": [ "str" ], "facilities": [ { "name": "str", "id": 2 } ], "primaryFacilityIdentifier": { "name": "str", "id": 2 }, "options": { "alerts": { "expirationNotificationThreshold": 1, "notifyShipTo": true, "fromEmailAddress": "str", "senderName": "str", "replyToAddress": "str", "webHookParameters": [ { "name": "str", "resource": "str", "eventTypes": "str", "url": "str", "includeResource": true, "resourceApiParameters": "str" } ] }, "storage": { "fuelSurcharge": 1.0, "setInvoiceDateToXactionConfirmDate": true, "accountingCustomerName": "str", "autoFillChargesOnConfirm": true }, "edi": { "custInterchangeId": "str", "custInterchangeIdQual": "str", "threeplInterchangeId": "str", "threeplInterchangeIdQual": "str", "tradingPartnerId": "str" }, "receiving": { "purchaseOrders": true, "createMultipleMus": true, "displayWeightFieldForReceipt": true, "receiveAgainstAsns": 0, "suggestedPutAwayEnabled": true, "autoFillTrackBys": true, "trackLocation": 0, "trackPallets": 0, "trackSupplier": 0, "inheritOriginalReceiptDateOnTransfer": true }, "shipping": { "nextMasterBolId": 1, "nextMasterBolIdOverride": 1, "bolNumAsTransNum": true, "autoConfirmOrderOnTrackingUpdate": true, "fulfillmentInvoicing": 0, "orderQueue": true, "autoPrintCartonLabelDefault": true, "smartPackScaleEnabled": true, "requireTrackingNumber": true, "upsAccountNumber": "str", "upsAccountZip": "str", "fedExAccountNumber": "str", "prepopulateCarrierInfo": 0, "packingListLogoUrl": "str", "packingListFooterUrl": "str", "rounduptoFullMU": true, "quickBooksPaymentTerms": "str", "asnPreCheck": { "requireScacForAsn": true, "requireAttachedDocuments": true, "asnPreCheckOptions": 0, "orderLevelFlexFields": [ "str" ], "orderItemLevelFlexFields": [ "str" ] }, "autoBatchOptions": { "enabled": true, "batchSize": 2, "cutOffHour": 3, "cutOffMinute": 4, "rules": [ { "name": "str", "groupOnCarrier": true } ] } }, "packaging": { "smallParcelUsps3rdParty": "str", "gs1CompanyPrefix": "str", "useVendorIdOnBol": true, "spsCloseOnUpdate": true, "spsDisableAutoClearBinId": true, "smallParcelReturnShippingCost": true, "smallParcelReturnFedExService": "str", "smallParcelUspsReturnType": "str", "smallParcelReturnUpsService": "str", "smallParcelReturnDefaultChecked": true, "smallParcelHighVolumeDefaultChecked": true, "smallParcelHighVolumeZplBatched": true, "smallParcelReferences": "str", "smallParcelIntlDutyBillType": "str", "smallParcelCustomizeDuties": true, "smallParcelDutiesAndTaxes": "str", "smallParcelCreatePackagesOnFind": true, "smallParcelRateShoppingCarrierIds": "str", "smallParcelRateShoppingLogic": "str", "smallParcelZplPrintDefault": true, "smallParcelAutoRateShopOnShip": true, "smallParcelDisableClickToPack": true, "smallParcelReturnPitneyExpService": "str", "smallParcelReturnPitneyStdService": "str", "smallParcelRateShopFilter": "str", "smallParcelCarrierSelectionV2": true, "smallParcelDefaultLabelTemplate": "str", "smallParcelRateShoppingCarrierAccounts": "str", "smallParcelPackSlip": "str", "smallParcelAddressTemplate": "str", "smallParcelDefaultCartonLabel": "str", "smallParcelSendFulfillInvSalePrice": true }, "otherSystemBehaviors": { "flexFields": true, "allowDuplicateUPCs": true }, "mobileProcessingBehaviors": { "autoAdvanceLineItem": true, "autoFillSameSkuAndTrackby": true, "allowMultiplePickers": true, "allowMovingOpenReceipts": true, "allowOptionalCustomFields": true, "allowRequiredCustomFields": true }, "userInterface": { "hideLocationSelectedList": true, "excludeLocationsWithZeroInventory": true, "autoCheckAutoReallocateOnReceive": true, "transactionConfirmInvoiceCreateDefault": 0, "mobileReceiptQuantityOneDefault": true, "reallocateAtPickTime": true, "brandingImageId": 6, "dashboard": true }, "savedElements": { "orders": { "defs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ], "itemDefs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ] }, "receivers": { "defs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ], "itemDefs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ] } } } }
Update customer.
If-Match request header required; Success status: 200; ETag response header supplied
Name (* = required) | Data Type | Description |
id * | int | customer id |
Type | Description | |
ReadOnly | Customer.Models.CustomerReadOnly | these fields are not updatable by the API client |
CustomerId | int | |
CreationDate | DateTime? ... | |
Deactivated | bool | |
CompanyInfo | Generic.Models.ContactInfo | customer.contact1 |
Generic.Models.ContactInfo | in GETs: the contact; in POSTs or PUTs: identifies existing contact or properties of new contact more... | |
ContactId | int? ... | for identifying: if known specify only this; other fields are ignored |
CompanyName | string | |
Name | string | |
Title | string | |
Address1 | string | |
Address2 | string | |
City | string | |
State | string | |
Zip | string | |
Country | string | |
PhoneNumber | string | |
Fax | string | |
EmailAddress | string | |
Dept | string | |
IsAddressResidential | bool | |
Code | string | for identifying: if known specify only this; if other fields also specified it is not used to identify |
AddressStatus | Common.Enum.AddressStatusType | confirmation status |
- 0: Unconfirmed | ||
- 1: Confirmed | ||
- 2: UserAccepted | ||
PrimaryContact | Generic.Models.ContactInfo | customer.customercontacts where contact type is primary |
Generic.Models.ContactInfo | in GETs: the contact; in POSTs or PUTs: identifies existing contact or properties of new contact more... | |
ContactId | int? ... | for identifying: if known specify only this; other fields are ignored |
CompanyName | string | |
Name | string | |
Title | string | |
Address1 | string | |
Address2 | string | |
City | string | |
State | string | |
Zip | string | |
Country | string | |
PhoneNumber | string | |
Fax | string | |
EmailAddress | string | |
Dept | string | |
IsAddressResidential | bool | |
Code | string | for identifying: if known specify only this; if other fields also specified it is not used to identify |
AddressStatus | Common.Enum.AddressStatusType | confirmation status |
- 0: Unconfirmed | ||
- 1: Confirmed | ||
- 2: UserAccepted | ||
OtherContacts | IEnumerable<Generic.Models.OtherContactInfo> | customer.customercontacts where contact type is other than primary |
Type | Generic.Models.OtherCustomerContactType | |
- 2: Invoicing | ||
- 3: Additional | ||
- 4: For753 | ||
- 5: SmallParcelReturnLabel | ||
ContactId | int? ... | for identifying: if known specify only this; other fields are ignored |
CompanyName | string | |
Name | string | |
Title | string | |
Address1 | string | |
Address2 | string | |
City | string | |
State | string | |
Zip | string | |
Country | string | |
PhoneNumber | string | |
Fax | string | |
EmailAddress | string | |
Dept | string | |
IsAddressResidential | bool | |
Code | string | for identifying: if known specify only this; if other fields also specified it is not used to identify |
AddressStatus | Common.Enum.AddressStatusType | confirmation status |
- 0: Unconfirmed | ||
- 1: Confirmed | ||
- 2: UserAccepted | ||
WebSite | string | information only, in case you want to see more about the customer's business |
ExternalId | string | connection of this customer to the same customer on some other system |
Groups | IEnumerable<string> | list of groups this customer belongs to |
Facilities | IEnumerable<Generic.Models.FacilityIdentifier> | list of facilities this customer's items are stored in, the first is the primary facility |
Name | string | |
Id | int | |
PrimaryFacilityIdentifier | Generic.Models.FacilityIdentifier | same as the first in Facilities; populated by GET, ignored by POST and PUT |
Name | string | |
Id | int | |
Options | Customer.Models.Options | customer preferences |
Customer.Models.Options | assemblage of all manner of capabilities the system allows for this customer, scraped together from multiple database sources | |
Alerts | Customer.Models.Alerts | |
ExpirationNotificationThreshold | int | number of days??? |
NotifyShipTo | bool | |
FromEmailAddress | string | |
SenderName | string | |
ReplyToAddress | string | |
WebHookParameters | IEnumerable<Generic.Models.WebHookParametersForEvents> | Web Hook configuration at the Customer (C2) level |
Name | string | |
Resource | string | Domain: Order, Receiver, Adjustment, Assembly, OrderItem, Item, InventorySummary |
EventTypes | string | a comma-delimited list of supported event types; must be within 'Resource', e.g., if the Resource is 'Order", all EventTypes must be Orderxxx |
Url | string | |
IncludeResource | bool | |
ResourceApiParameters | string | as defined in the REL documentation for the Resource |
Storage | Customer.Models.Storage | |
FuelSurcharge | decimal | positive int percentage 0-100 |
SetInvoiceDateToXactionConfirmDate | bool | |
AccountingCustomerName | string | |
AutoFillChargesOnConfirm | bool | |
Edi | Customer.Models.Edi | |
CustInterchangeId | string | |
CustInterchangeIdQual | string | |
ThreeplInterchangeId | string | |
ThreeplInterchangeIdQual | string | |
TradingPartnerId | string | |
Receiving | Customer.Models.Receiving | |
PurchaseOrders | bool | |
CreateMultipleMus | bool | |
DisplayWeightFieldForReceipt | bool | |
ReceiveAgainstAsns | Common.Enum.ReceiveAgainstAsns | |
- 0: Disabled | ||
- 1: Enabled | ||
- 2: Blind | ||
SuggestedPutAwayEnabled | bool | |
AutoFillTrackBys | bool | Should be in Shipping - direct Smart Pack whether to auto fill trackbys |
TrackLocation | Common.Enum.UsageLevel | |
- 0: Disallow | ||
- 1: Allow | ||
- 2: Require | ||
TrackPallets | Common.Enum.UsageLevel | |
- 0: Disallow | ||
- 1: Allow | ||
- 2: Require | ||
TrackSupplier | Common.Enum.UsageLevel | |
- 0: Disallow | ||
- 1: Allow | ||
- 2: Require | ||
InheritOriginalReceiptDateOnTransfer | bool | false: set receipt date to transfer date when receiving inventory via customer-to-customer transfer; true: inherit original receipt date |
Shipping | Customer.Models.Shipping | |
NextMasterBolId | Int64 | Readonly value; see NextMasterBolIdOverride |
NextMasterBolIdOverride | Int64? ... | To override the system-generated NextMasterBolId |
BolNumAsTransNum | bool | |
AutoConfirmOrderOnTrackingUpdate | bool | |
FulfillmentInvoicing | Common.Enum.FulfillmentInvoicing | |
- 0: Disabled | ||
- 1: Enabled | ||
- 2: Prepopulated | ||
OrderQueue | bool | |
AutoPrintCartonLabelDefault | bool | Sets default on or off for Smart Pack's Auto-print labels checkbox |
SmartPackScaleEnabled | bool | |
RequireTrackingNumber | bool | |
UpsAccountNumber | string | |
UpsAccountZip | string | |
FedExAccountNumber | string | |
PrepopulateCarrierInfo | Common.Enum.PrepopulateCarrierInfo | |
- 0: Off | ||
- 1: On | ||
- 2: PrepaidOnly | ||
- 3: ThirdPartyOnly | ||
PackingListLogoUrl | string | on GET: url of image; on POST or PUT: url of image -or- {fileExtension}:{base64-encoded image} |
PackingListFooterUrl | string | on GET: url of image; on POST or PUT: url of image -or- {fileExtension}:{base64-encoded image} |
RounduptoFullMU | bool | |
QuickBooksPaymentTerms | string | |
AsnPreCheck | Customer.Models.AsnPreCheck | |
RequireScacForAsn | bool | Prevents sending an ASN when SCAC is not specified |
RequireAttachedDocuments | bool | Prevents sending an ASN when the order has no attached docs |
AsnPreCheckOptions | Customer.Models.AsnPreCheckOptions | Prevents sending an ASN when any of the checks associated with the options in this bit flag fail |
- 0: None | ||
- 1: HasWeight | Prevents sending an ASN when total pkg weight or any individual packages weight is 0 | |
- 2: HasVolume | Prevents sending an ASN when total volume or any individual packages volume is 0 | |
- 4: HasPackages | Prevents sending an ASN when the number of packages is 0 | |
- 8: HasCarrier | Prevents sending an ASN when Carrier is not specified | |
- 16: HasBillOfLading | Prevents sending an ASN when BillOfLading is not specified | |
- 32: HasLoadNumber | Prevents sending an ASN when LoadNumber is not specified | |
- 64: HasPoNumber | Prevents sending an ASN when PO Number is not specified | |
- 128: IsClosed | Prevents sending an ASN when the order is not closed | |
OrderLevelFlexFields | String[] | Prevents sending an ASN when the listed Flex Fields are not all specified at the order level |
OrderItemLevelFlexFields | String[] | Prevents sending an ASN when the listed Flex Fields are not all specified at the order item level |
AutoBatchOptions | Customer.Models.AutoBatchOptions | |
Enabled | bool | |
BatchSize | int | |
CutOffHour | int | |
CutOffMinute | int | |
Rules | List<Customer.Models.AutoBatchRules> | |
Name | string | |
GroupOnCarrier | bool | |
Packaging | Customer.Models.Packaging | |
SmallParcelUsps3rdParty | string | |
Gs1CompanyPrefix | string | |
UseVendorIdOnBol | bool | |
SpsCloseOnUpdate | bool | |
SpsDisableAutoClearBinId | bool | |
SmallParcelReturnShippingCost | bool | |
SmallParcelReturnFedExService | string | |
SmallParcelUspsReturnType | string | |
SmallParcelReturnUpsService | string | |
SmallParcelReturnDefaultChecked | bool | |
SmallParcelHighVolumeDefaultChecked | bool | |
SmallParcelHighVolumeZplBatched | bool | |
SmallParcelReferences | string | |
SmallParcelIntlDutyBillType | string | |
SmallParcelCustomizeDuties | bool | |
SmallParcelDutiesAndTaxes | string | |
SmallParcelCreatePackagesOnFind | bool | |
SmallParcelRateShoppingCarrierIds | string | |
SmallParcelRateShoppingLogic | string | |
SmallParcelZplPrintDefault | bool | |
SmallParcelAutoRateShopOnShip | bool | |
SmallParcelDisableClickToPack | bool | |
SmallParcelReturnPitneyExpService | string | |
SmallParcelReturnPitneyStdService | string | |
SmallParcelRateShopFilter | string | |
SmallParcelCarrierSelectionV2 | bool | |
SmallParcelDefaultLabelTemplate | string | |
SmallParcelRateShoppingCarrierAccounts | string | |
SmallParcelPackSlip | string | |
SmallParcelAddressTemplate | string | |
SmallParcelDefaultCartonLabel | string | |
SmallParcelSendFulfillInvSalePrice | bool | |
OtherSystemBehaviors | Customer.Models.OtherSystemBehaviors | |
FlexFields | bool | |
AllowDuplicateUPCs | bool | if AllowDuplicateUPCs is true, Unit-of-measure-based UPCs are disabled |
MobileProcessingBehaviors | Customer.Models.MobileProcessingBehaviors | |
AutoAdvanceLineItem | bool | |
AutoFillSameSkuAndTrackby | bool | |
AllowMultiplePickers | bool | |
AllowMovingOpenReceipts | bool | |
AllowOptionalCustomFields | bool | |
AllowRequiredCustomFields | bool | |
UserInterface | Customer.Models.UserInterface | |
HideLocationSelectedList | bool | |
ExcludeLocationsWithZeroInventory | bool | |
AutoCheckAutoReallocateOnReceive | bool | |
TransactionConfirmInvoiceCreateDefault | Common.Enum.TransactionConfirmInvoiceCreateDefault | |
- 0: Off | ||
- 1: On | ||
- 2: ReceiversOnly | ||
- 3: OrdersOnly | ||
MobileReceiptQuantityOneDefault | bool | |
ReallocateAtPickTime | bool | |
BrandingImageId | int | |
Dashboard | bool | |
SavedElements | Customer.Models.SavedElementDefs | UI assistance for adding saved elements to a transaction and its line items. Since it is merely a UI assistance, it is up to a UI to decide if, how and when it will verify requiredness. In other words, business logic doesn't care. |
Orders | Customer.Models.SavedElementTransDef | |
Defs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction itself, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
ItemDefs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction's line items, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
Receivers | Customer.Models.SavedElementTransDef | |
Defs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction itself, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
ItemDefs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction's line items, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
Sample content-type: application/hal+json |
{ "readOnly": { "customerId": 1, "creationDate": "2016-12-25T23:00:00", "deactivated": true }, "companyInfo": { "contactId": 1, "companyName": "str", "name": "str", "title": "str", "address1": "str", "address2": "str", "city": "str", "state": "str", "zip": "str", "country": "str", "phoneNumber": "str", "fax": "str", "emailAddress": "str", "dept": "str", "isAddressResidential": true, "code": "str", "addressStatus": 0 }, "primaryContact": { "contactId": 1, "companyName": "str", "name": "str", "title": "str", "address1": "str", "address2": "str", "city": "str", "state": "str", "zip": "str", "country": "str", "phoneNumber": "str", "fax": "str", "emailAddress": "str", "dept": "str", "isAddressResidential": true, "code": "str", "addressStatus": 0 }, "otherContacts": [ { "type": 2, "contactId": 1, "companyName": "str", "name": "str", "title": "str", "address1": "str", "address2": "str", "city": "str", "state": "str", "zip": "str", "country": "str", "phoneNumber": "str", "fax": "str", "emailAddress": "str", "dept": "str", "isAddressResidential": true, "code": "str", "addressStatus": 0 } ], "webSite": "str", "externalId": "str", "groups": [ "str" ], "facilities": [ { "name": "str", "id": 2 } ], "primaryFacilityIdentifier": { "name": "str", "id": 2 }, "options": { "alerts": { "expirationNotificationThreshold": 1, "notifyShipTo": true, "fromEmailAddress": "str", "senderName": "str", "replyToAddress": "str", "webHookParameters": [ { "name": "str", "resource": "str", "eventTypes": "str", "url": "str", "includeResource": true, "resourceApiParameters": "str" } ] }, "storage": { "fuelSurcharge": 1.0, "setInvoiceDateToXactionConfirmDate": true, "accountingCustomerName": "str", "autoFillChargesOnConfirm": true }, "edi": { "custInterchangeId": "str", "custInterchangeIdQual": "str", "threeplInterchangeId": "str", "threeplInterchangeIdQual": "str", "tradingPartnerId": "str" }, "receiving": { "purchaseOrders": true, "createMultipleMus": true, "displayWeightFieldForReceipt": true, "receiveAgainstAsns": 0, "suggestedPutAwayEnabled": true, "autoFillTrackBys": true, "trackLocation": 0, "trackPallets": 0, "trackSupplier": 0, "inheritOriginalReceiptDateOnTransfer": true }, "shipping": { "nextMasterBolId": 1, "nextMasterBolIdOverride": 1, "bolNumAsTransNum": true, "autoConfirmOrderOnTrackingUpdate": true, "fulfillmentInvoicing": 0, "orderQueue": true, "autoPrintCartonLabelDefault": true, "smartPackScaleEnabled": true, "requireTrackingNumber": true, "upsAccountNumber": "str", "upsAccountZip": "str", "fedExAccountNumber": "str", "prepopulateCarrierInfo": 0, "packingListLogoUrl": "str", "packingListFooterUrl": "str", "rounduptoFullMU": true, "quickBooksPaymentTerms": "str", "asnPreCheck": { "requireScacForAsn": true, "requireAttachedDocuments": true, "asnPreCheckOptions": 0, "orderLevelFlexFields": [ "str" ], "orderItemLevelFlexFields": [ "str" ] }, "autoBatchOptions": { "enabled": true, "batchSize": 2, "cutOffHour": 3, "cutOffMinute": 4, "rules": [ { "name": "str", "groupOnCarrier": true } ] } }, "packaging": { "smallParcelUsps3rdParty": "str", "gs1CompanyPrefix": "str", "useVendorIdOnBol": true, "spsCloseOnUpdate": true, "spsDisableAutoClearBinId": true, "smallParcelReturnShippingCost": true, "smallParcelReturnFedExService": "str", "smallParcelUspsReturnType": "str", "smallParcelReturnUpsService": "str", "smallParcelReturnDefaultChecked": true, "smallParcelHighVolumeDefaultChecked": true, "smallParcelHighVolumeZplBatched": true, "smallParcelReferences": "str", "smallParcelIntlDutyBillType": "str", "smallParcelCustomizeDuties": true, "smallParcelDutiesAndTaxes": "str", "smallParcelCreatePackagesOnFind": true, "smallParcelRateShoppingCarrierIds": "str", "smallParcelRateShoppingLogic": "str", "smallParcelZplPrintDefault": true, "smallParcelAutoRateShopOnShip": true, "smallParcelDisableClickToPack": true, "smallParcelReturnPitneyExpService": "str", "smallParcelReturnPitneyStdService": "str", "smallParcelRateShopFilter": "str", "smallParcelCarrierSelectionV2": true, "smallParcelDefaultLabelTemplate": "str", "smallParcelRateShoppingCarrierAccounts": "str", "smallParcelPackSlip": "str", "smallParcelAddressTemplate": "str", "smallParcelDefaultCartonLabel": "str", "smallParcelSendFulfillInvSalePrice": true }, "otherSystemBehaviors": { "flexFields": true, "allowDuplicateUPCs": true }, "mobileProcessingBehaviors": { "autoAdvanceLineItem": true, "autoFillSameSkuAndTrackby": true, "allowMultiplePickers": true, "allowMovingOpenReceipts": true, "allowOptionalCustomFields": true, "allowRequiredCustomFields": true }, "userInterface": { "hideLocationSelectedList": true, "excludeLocationsWithZeroInventory": true, "autoCheckAutoReallocateOnReceive": true, "transactionConfirmInvoiceCreateDefault": 0, "mobileReceiptQuantityOneDefault": true, "reallocateAtPickTime": true, "brandingImageId": 6, "dashboard": true }, "savedElements": { "orders": { "defs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ], "itemDefs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ] }, "receivers": { "defs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ], "itemDefs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ] } } } }
Type | Description | |
ReadOnly | Customer.Models.CustomerReadOnly | these fields are not updatable by the API client |
CustomerId | int | |
CreationDate | DateTime? ... | |
Deactivated | bool | |
CompanyInfo | Generic.Models.ContactInfo | customer.contact1 |
Generic.Models.ContactInfo | in GETs: the contact; in POSTs or PUTs: identifies existing contact or properties of new contact more... | |
ContactId | int? ... | for identifying: if known specify only this; other fields are ignored |
CompanyName | string | |
Name | string | |
Title | string | |
Address1 | string | |
Address2 | string | |
City | string | |
State | string | |
Zip | string | |
Country | string | |
PhoneNumber | string | |
Fax | string | |
EmailAddress | string | |
Dept | string | |
IsAddressResidential | bool | |
Code | string | for identifying: if known specify only this; if other fields also specified it is not used to identify |
AddressStatus | Common.Enum.AddressStatusType | confirmation status |
- 0: Unconfirmed | ||
- 1: Confirmed | ||
- 2: UserAccepted | ||
PrimaryContact | Generic.Models.ContactInfo | customer.customercontacts where contact type is primary |
Generic.Models.ContactInfo | in GETs: the contact; in POSTs or PUTs: identifies existing contact or properties of new contact more... | |
ContactId | int? ... | for identifying: if known specify only this; other fields are ignored |
CompanyName | string | |
Name | string | |
Title | string | |
Address1 | string | |
Address2 | string | |
City | string | |
State | string | |
Zip | string | |
Country | string | |
PhoneNumber | string | |
Fax | string | |
EmailAddress | string | |
Dept | string | |
IsAddressResidential | bool | |
Code | string | for identifying: if known specify only this; if other fields also specified it is not used to identify |
AddressStatus | Common.Enum.AddressStatusType | confirmation status |
- 0: Unconfirmed | ||
- 1: Confirmed | ||
- 2: UserAccepted | ||
OtherContacts | IEnumerable<Generic.Models.OtherContactInfo> | customer.customercontacts where contact type is other than primary |
Type | Generic.Models.OtherCustomerContactType | |
- 2: Invoicing | ||
- 3: Additional | ||
- 4: For753 | ||
- 5: SmallParcelReturnLabel | ||
ContactId | int? ... | for identifying: if known specify only this; other fields are ignored |
CompanyName | string | |
Name | string | |
Title | string | |
Address1 | string | |
Address2 | string | |
City | string | |
State | string | |
Zip | string | |
Country | string | |
PhoneNumber | string | |
Fax | string | |
EmailAddress | string | |
Dept | string | |
IsAddressResidential | bool | |
Code | string | for identifying: if known specify only this; if other fields also specified it is not used to identify |
AddressStatus | Common.Enum.AddressStatusType | confirmation status |
- 0: Unconfirmed | ||
- 1: Confirmed | ||
- 2: UserAccepted | ||
WebSite | string | information only, in case you want to see more about the customer's business |
ExternalId | string | connection of this customer to the same customer on some other system |
Groups | IEnumerable<string> | list of groups this customer belongs to |
Facilities | IEnumerable<Generic.Models.FacilityIdentifier> | list of facilities this customer's items are stored in, the first is the primary facility |
Name | string | |
Id | int | |
PrimaryFacilityIdentifier | Generic.Models.FacilityIdentifier | same as the first in Facilities; populated by GET, ignored by POST and PUT |
Name | string | |
Id | int | |
Options | Customer.Models.Options | customer preferences |
Customer.Models.Options | assemblage of all manner of capabilities the system allows for this customer, scraped together from multiple database sources | |
Alerts | Customer.Models.Alerts | |
ExpirationNotificationThreshold | int | number of days??? |
NotifyShipTo | bool | |
FromEmailAddress | string | |
SenderName | string | |
ReplyToAddress | string | |
WebHookParameters | IEnumerable<Generic.Models.WebHookParametersForEvents> | Web Hook configuration at the Customer (C2) level |
Name | string | |
Resource | string | Domain: Order, Receiver, Adjustment, Assembly, OrderItem, Item, InventorySummary |
EventTypes | string | a comma-delimited list of supported event types; must be within 'Resource', e.g., if the Resource is 'Order", all EventTypes must be Orderxxx |
Url | string | |
IncludeResource | bool | |
ResourceApiParameters | string | as defined in the REL documentation for the Resource |
Storage | Customer.Models.Storage | |
FuelSurcharge | decimal | positive int percentage 0-100 |
SetInvoiceDateToXactionConfirmDate | bool | |
AccountingCustomerName | string | |
AutoFillChargesOnConfirm | bool | |
Edi | Customer.Models.Edi | |
CustInterchangeId | string | |
CustInterchangeIdQual | string | |
ThreeplInterchangeId | string | |
ThreeplInterchangeIdQual | string | |
TradingPartnerId | string | |
Receiving | Customer.Models.Receiving | |
PurchaseOrders | bool | |
CreateMultipleMus | bool | |
DisplayWeightFieldForReceipt | bool | |
ReceiveAgainstAsns | Common.Enum.ReceiveAgainstAsns | |
- 0: Disabled | ||
- 1: Enabled | ||
- 2: Blind | ||
SuggestedPutAwayEnabled | bool | |
AutoFillTrackBys | bool | Should be in Shipping - direct Smart Pack whether to auto fill trackbys |
TrackLocation | Common.Enum.UsageLevel | |
- 0: Disallow | ||
- 1: Allow | ||
- 2: Require | ||
TrackPallets | Common.Enum.UsageLevel | |
- 0: Disallow | ||
- 1: Allow | ||
- 2: Require | ||
TrackSupplier | Common.Enum.UsageLevel | |
- 0: Disallow | ||
- 1: Allow | ||
- 2: Require | ||
InheritOriginalReceiptDateOnTransfer | bool | false: set receipt date to transfer date when receiving inventory via customer-to-customer transfer; true: inherit original receipt date |
Shipping | Customer.Models.Shipping | |
NextMasterBolId | Int64 | Readonly value; see NextMasterBolIdOverride |
NextMasterBolIdOverride | Int64? ... | To override the system-generated NextMasterBolId |
BolNumAsTransNum | bool | |
AutoConfirmOrderOnTrackingUpdate | bool | |
FulfillmentInvoicing | Common.Enum.FulfillmentInvoicing | |
- 0: Disabled | ||
- 1: Enabled | ||
- 2: Prepopulated | ||
OrderQueue | bool | |
AutoPrintCartonLabelDefault | bool | Sets default on or off for Smart Pack's Auto-print labels checkbox |
SmartPackScaleEnabled | bool | |
RequireTrackingNumber | bool | |
UpsAccountNumber | string | |
UpsAccountZip | string | |
FedExAccountNumber | string | |
PrepopulateCarrierInfo | Common.Enum.PrepopulateCarrierInfo | |
- 0: Off | ||
- 1: On | ||
- 2: PrepaidOnly | ||
- 3: ThirdPartyOnly | ||
PackingListLogoUrl | string | on GET: url of image; on POST or PUT: url of image -or- {fileExtension}:{base64-encoded image} |
PackingListFooterUrl | string | on GET: url of image; on POST or PUT: url of image -or- {fileExtension}:{base64-encoded image} |
RounduptoFullMU | bool | |
QuickBooksPaymentTerms | string | |
AsnPreCheck | Customer.Models.AsnPreCheck | |
RequireScacForAsn | bool | Prevents sending an ASN when SCAC is not specified |
RequireAttachedDocuments | bool | Prevents sending an ASN when the order has no attached docs |
AsnPreCheckOptions | Customer.Models.AsnPreCheckOptions | Prevents sending an ASN when any of the checks associated with the options in this bit flag fail |
- 0: None | ||
- 1: HasWeight | Prevents sending an ASN when total pkg weight or any individual packages weight is 0 | |
- 2: HasVolume | Prevents sending an ASN when total volume or any individual packages volume is 0 | |
- 4: HasPackages | Prevents sending an ASN when the number of packages is 0 | |
- 8: HasCarrier | Prevents sending an ASN when Carrier is not specified | |
- 16: HasBillOfLading | Prevents sending an ASN when BillOfLading is not specified | |
- 32: HasLoadNumber | Prevents sending an ASN when LoadNumber is not specified | |
- 64: HasPoNumber | Prevents sending an ASN when PO Number is not specified | |
- 128: IsClosed | Prevents sending an ASN when the order is not closed | |
OrderLevelFlexFields | String[] | Prevents sending an ASN when the listed Flex Fields are not all specified at the order level |
OrderItemLevelFlexFields | String[] | Prevents sending an ASN when the listed Flex Fields are not all specified at the order item level |
AutoBatchOptions | Customer.Models.AutoBatchOptions | |
Enabled | bool | |
BatchSize | int | |
CutOffHour | int | |
CutOffMinute | int | |
Rules | List<Customer.Models.AutoBatchRules> | |
Name | string | |
GroupOnCarrier | bool | |
Packaging | Customer.Models.Packaging | |
SmallParcelUsps3rdParty | string | |
Gs1CompanyPrefix | string | |
UseVendorIdOnBol | bool | |
SpsCloseOnUpdate | bool | |
SpsDisableAutoClearBinId | bool | |
SmallParcelReturnShippingCost | bool | |
SmallParcelReturnFedExService | string | |
SmallParcelUspsReturnType | string | |
SmallParcelReturnUpsService | string | |
SmallParcelReturnDefaultChecked | bool | |
SmallParcelHighVolumeDefaultChecked | bool | |
SmallParcelHighVolumeZplBatched | bool | |
SmallParcelReferences | string | |
SmallParcelIntlDutyBillType | string | |
SmallParcelCustomizeDuties | bool | |
SmallParcelDutiesAndTaxes | string | |
SmallParcelCreatePackagesOnFind | bool | |
SmallParcelRateShoppingCarrierIds | string | |
SmallParcelRateShoppingLogic | string | |
SmallParcelZplPrintDefault | bool | |
SmallParcelAutoRateShopOnShip | bool | |
SmallParcelDisableClickToPack | bool | |
SmallParcelReturnPitneyExpService | string | |
SmallParcelReturnPitneyStdService | string | |
SmallParcelRateShopFilter | string | |
SmallParcelCarrierSelectionV2 | bool | |
SmallParcelDefaultLabelTemplate | string | |
SmallParcelRateShoppingCarrierAccounts | string | |
SmallParcelPackSlip | string | |
SmallParcelAddressTemplate | string | |
SmallParcelDefaultCartonLabel | string | |
SmallParcelSendFulfillInvSalePrice | bool | |
OtherSystemBehaviors | Customer.Models.OtherSystemBehaviors | |
FlexFields | bool | |
AllowDuplicateUPCs | bool | if AllowDuplicateUPCs is true, Unit-of-measure-based UPCs are disabled |
MobileProcessingBehaviors | Customer.Models.MobileProcessingBehaviors | |
AutoAdvanceLineItem | bool | |
AutoFillSameSkuAndTrackby | bool | |
AllowMultiplePickers | bool | |
AllowMovingOpenReceipts | bool | |
AllowOptionalCustomFields | bool | |
AllowRequiredCustomFields | bool | |
UserInterface | Customer.Models.UserInterface | |
HideLocationSelectedList | bool | |
ExcludeLocationsWithZeroInventory | bool | |
AutoCheckAutoReallocateOnReceive | bool | |
TransactionConfirmInvoiceCreateDefault | Common.Enum.TransactionConfirmInvoiceCreateDefault | |
- 0: Off | ||
- 1: On | ||
- 2: ReceiversOnly | ||
- 3: OrdersOnly | ||
MobileReceiptQuantityOneDefault | bool | |
ReallocateAtPickTime | bool | |
BrandingImageId | int | |
Dashboard | bool | |
SavedElements | Customer.Models.SavedElementDefs | UI assistance for adding saved elements to a transaction and its line items. Since it is merely a UI assistance, it is up to a UI to decide if, how and when it will verify requiredness. In other words, business logic doesn't care. |
Orders | Customer.Models.SavedElementTransDef | |
Defs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction itself, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
ItemDefs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction's line items, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
Receivers | Customer.Models.SavedElementTransDef | |
Defs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction itself, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
ItemDefs | IList<Customer.Models.SavedElementDef> | for the transaction's line items, listed in customer's preferred display order |
Customer.Models.SavedElementDef | a suggested saved element | |
Name | string | a suggested name |
Required | bool | whether a UI might want to strongly suggest the user enter this one at some point in a transaction's lifetime |
Links | IList<WebApi.Hal.Link> | |
- edit | If Link.Name contains 'Disallow: ' with DELETE in the list, then customer cannot be deleted because it is in use. | |
- /rels/customers/items | Items belonging to this customer. | |
- /rels/customers/skusunionaliases | Customer's skus combined with aliases, abbreviated info | |
- /rels/customers/customermanualrates | Customer's configured charges for manually adding to transactions. | |
- /rels/customers/customerautorates | Customer's configured charges for automatically adding to transactions. | |
- /rels/customers/retailers | ||
- /rels/customers/customerlogo | ||
- /rels/customers/packinglisttemplates | ||
- /rels/customers/ordercontacts | Contacts referenced on orders belonging to this customer. | |
- /rels/customers/customersactivate | Operator to activate/deactivate a customer. See ReadOnly.Deactivated for current state. | |
- /rels/properties/facilitysummaries | List of facilities in which this customer stores goods. | |
- /rels/properties/facility | each facility in which customer stores goods, first is primary facility | |
- /rels/customers/customertransforms | List of transforms for this customer. | |
- /rels/customers/suppliers | List of suppliers for this customer. | |
- /rels/customers/supplierindex | item index within list of suppliers | |
- /rels/customers/customerbarcodedefs | List of barcode definitions for this customer | |
- /rels/customers/customerboltemplates | List of bill-of-lading templates for this customer | |
- /rels/customers/customerbolmessages | List of bill-of-lading messages for this customer | |
- /rels/customers/channels | list of import channels for this customer | |
- /rels/customers/alertqueuer | queue an alert if the customer is setup for notifications of the specified type. | |
- /rels/customers/errorlogs | post an error | |
- /rels/customers/itemratesgroup | update storage and/or(depending on updateType) transactional rates for the specified items | |
- /rels/customers/itemratesgroups | storage and transactional rates for the specified items (optional) of this customer if all rates are the same, otherwise an empty ItemRates is returned | |
- /rels/customers/customercarrieraccounts | Used for small parcel shipping. | |
- /rels/customers/carriermarkups | Used for small parcel shipping markup. | |
- /rels/inventory/itemminimum | items which reached their minimum threshold. | |
- /rels/inventory/locationminimum | items per location which reached their minimum threshold . | |
- /rels/customers/markforlists | ||
- /rels/customers/itemaliases | ||
- /rels/customers/itemaliaslistfileparse | ||
- /rels/customers/itemaliaslistimport | ||
- /rels/customers/emailtemplate | ||
- /rels/customers/emailalertdef | ||
- /rels/customers/emailalertdefs | ||
- /rels/customers/ftpalertdefs | ||
- /rels/properties/contact |
{ "readOnly": { "customerId": 1, "creationDate": "2016-12-25T23:00:00", "deactivated": true }, "companyInfo": { "contactId": 1, "companyName": "str", "name": "str", "title": "str", "address1": "str", "address2": "str", "city": "str", "state": "str", "zip": "str", "country": "str", "phoneNumber": "str", "fax": "str", "emailAddress": "str", "dept": "str", "isAddressResidential": true, "code": "str", "addressStatus": 0 }, "primaryContact": { "contactId": 1, "companyName": "str", "name": "str", "title": "str", "address1": "str", "address2": "str", "city": "str", "state": "str", "zip": "str", "country": "str", "phoneNumber": "str", "fax": "str", "emailAddress": "str", "dept": "str", "isAddressResidential": true, "code": "str", "addressStatus": 0 }, "otherContacts": [ { "type": 2, "contactId": 1, "companyName": "str", "name": "str", "title": "str", "address1": "str", "address2": "str", "city": "str", "state": "str", "zip": "str", "country": "str", "phoneNumber": "str", "fax": "str", "emailAddress": "str", "dept": "str", "isAddressResidential": true, "code": "str", "addressStatus": 0 } ], "webSite": "str", "externalId": "str", "groups": [ "str" ], "facilities": [ { "name": "str", "id": 2 } ], "primaryFacilityIdentifier": { "name": "str", "id": 2 }, "options": { "alerts": { "expirationNotificationThreshold": 1, "notifyShipTo": true, "fromEmailAddress": "str", "senderName": "str", "replyToAddress": "str", "webHookParameters": [ { "name": "str", "resource": "str", "eventTypes": "str", "url": "str", "includeResource": true, "resourceApiParameters": "str" } ] }, "storage": { "fuelSurcharge": 1.0, "setInvoiceDateToXactionConfirmDate": true, "accountingCustomerName": "str", "autoFillChargesOnConfirm": true }, "edi": { "custInterchangeId": "str", "custInterchangeIdQual": "str", "threeplInterchangeId": "str", "threeplInterchangeIdQual": "str", "tradingPartnerId": "str" }, "receiving": { "purchaseOrders": true, "createMultipleMus": true, "displayWeightFieldForReceipt": true, "receiveAgainstAsns": 0, "suggestedPutAwayEnabled": true, "autoFillTrackBys": true, "trackLocation": 0, "trackPallets": 0, "trackSupplier": 0, "inheritOriginalReceiptDateOnTransfer": true }, "shipping": { "nextMasterBolId": 1, "nextMasterBolIdOverride": 1, "bolNumAsTransNum": true, "autoConfirmOrderOnTrackingUpdate": true, "fulfillmentInvoicing": 0, "orderQueue": true, "autoPrintCartonLabelDefault": true, "smartPackScaleEnabled": true, "requireTrackingNumber": true, "upsAccountNumber": "str", "upsAccountZip": "str", "fedExAccountNumber": "str", "prepopulateCarrierInfo": 0, "packingListLogoUrl": "str", "packingListFooterUrl": "str", "rounduptoFullMU": true, "quickBooksPaymentTerms": "str", "asnPreCheck": { "requireScacForAsn": true, "requireAttachedDocuments": true, "asnPreCheckOptions": 0, "orderLevelFlexFields": [ "str" ], "orderItemLevelFlexFields": [ "str" ] }, "autoBatchOptions": { "enabled": true, "batchSize": 2, "cutOffHour": 3, "cutOffMinute": 4, "rules": [ { "name": "str", "groupOnCarrier": true } ] } }, "packaging": { "smallParcelUsps3rdParty": "str", "gs1CompanyPrefix": "str", "useVendorIdOnBol": true, "spsCloseOnUpdate": true, "spsDisableAutoClearBinId": true, "smallParcelReturnShippingCost": true, "smallParcelReturnFedExService": "str", "smallParcelUspsReturnType": "str", "smallParcelReturnUpsService": "str", "smallParcelReturnDefaultChecked": true, "smallParcelHighVolumeDefaultChecked": true, "smallParcelHighVolumeZplBatched": true, "smallParcelReferences": "str", "smallParcelIntlDutyBillType": "str", "smallParcelCustomizeDuties": true, "smallParcelDutiesAndTaxes": "str", "smallParcelCreatePackagesOnFind": true, "smallParcelRateShoppingCarrierIds": "str", "smallParcelRateShoppingLogic": "str", "smallParcelZplPrintDefault": true, "smallParcelAutoRateShopOnShip": true, "smallParcelDisableClickToPack": true, "smallParcelReturnPitneyExpService": "str", "smallParcelReturnPitneyStdService": "str", "smallParcelRateShopFilter": "str", "smallParcelCarrierSelectionV2": true, "smallParcelDefaultLabelTemplate": "str", "smallParcelRateShoppingCarrierAccounts": "str", "smallParcelPackSlip": "str", "smallParcelAddressTemplate": "str", "smallParcelDefaultCartonLabel": "str", "smallParcelSendFulfillInvSalePrice": true }, "otherSystemBehaviors": { "flexFields": true, "allowDuplicateUPCs": true }, "mobileProcessingBehaviors": { "autoAdvanceLineItem": true, "autoFillSameSkuAndTrackby": true, "allowMultiplePickers": true, "allowMovingOpenReceipts": true, "allowOptionalCustomFields": true, "allowRequiredCustomFields": true }, "userInterface": { "hideLocationSelectedList": true, "excludeLocationsWithZeroInventory": true, "autoCheckAutoReallocateOnReceive": true, "transactionConfirmInvoiceCreateDefault": 0, "mobileReceiptQuantityOneDefault": true, "reallocateAtPickTime": true, "brandingImageId": 6, "dashboard": true }, "savedElements": { "orders": { "defs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ], "itemDefs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ] }, "receivers": { "defs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ], "itemDefs": [ { "name": "str", "required": true } ] } } } }
Delete a customer.
If-Match request header required; Success status: 204
Name (* = required) | Data Type | Description |
id * | int | customer id |
This documentation is subject to change, and is updated often and without warning. The models documented may or may not be available to users now or in the future. Use this documentation at your own risk.
Contact with any questions about this documentation.