Shipment Value

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Shipment Value

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To run the Shipment Value Report:

1.Choose Reports.

2.Choose Transaction History.

3.Choose Shipment Value.

Shipment Value Report screen will now display.


To run the Shipment Value Report (continued):

1.Enter either the Transaction # or a Reference #.

2.Choose Run Report.

The system will generate an Invoice report that will populate below.


In the Shipment Value Report you will be able to view the specific invoice for a transaction. The report will display the following:

1.Warehouse Information.

2.Invoice # - reference number of the transaction.

3.PONum - purchase order number.

4.Ship Date - date the order was shipped.

5.Cancel Date - ship cancel date.

6.Terms - carrier notes.

7.Ship Via - carrier shipped.

8.Comments - warehouse notes.

9.Item Number - SKU value.

10.Description - item description 1.

11.Quantity - primary units shipped.

12.UOM - primary unit of measure.

13.Price Each - price of the SKU (Refer to Create Item - Cost section).

14.Amount - total amount due for the line item (Quantity X Price of Each).
