Recurring Storage Tab

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Recurring Storage Tab

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1.Select the Customer from the drop down.

2.Select the Warehouse (Facility) from the drop down.

3.Click the Recur. Storage tab.

4.Set a Minimum Storage Charge for recurring storage charges for the period.  If there is no minimum storage charge, leave this field blank.


The Billing Period is the frequency in which a storage invoice should should be processed for a customer.  If storage fees are calculated once or more than once each month and one storage invoice is generated at the end of the month, the billing period will be Monthly.

1.Set the Billing Period to Monthly

2.Set the Day of the month that the period ends.  Set this value to "Last Day" to process the recurring storage billing on the last day of the month.

3.Set the number of days after the end of the billing period to automatically generate the recurring storage charges.  This allows extra time to finish monthly processing before storage charges are captured.  To process recurring storage billing immediately at the end of the period, set this value to zero (0).  Regardless of when the recurring storage charges are entered, the charges may always be regenerated at any time during the next billing period so rates are not locked until specifically confirmed by an admin user.


A semi-monthly billing period is when two storage invoices are generated per month.

1.Select Semi-monthly from the billing period setup.

2.Select the end date of the 2nd half.


To generate a storage invoice each week, set the system for a weekly billing period.

1.Select Weekly from the billing period setup.

2.Select the day of the week that marks the end of the week and billing cycle.


Inventory may be counted a number of different ways and times during each billing cycle.  For example, if an inventory snapshot is taken on the last day of the month and one monthly invoice is created based on this snapshot, the Inventory Count happens "Once (at the end of the period): on Last Day.  If a storage charge is calculated every day and combined into one invoice at the end of the month.  The Inventory Count would be set to Every Day.

1.On Specific Days:

a.Once (at the end of the period): A Snapshot of inventory taken on the last day of the month.

b.Twice: Two separate snapshot accruals are taken on the 15th and at month end to be combined at the end of the billing period.

c.Every Week: A snapshot accrual taken once a week on the designated day to be combined at the end of the billing period.

d.Every Day: A Snapshot accrual is taken every day and combined at the end of the billing period.

2.On Each Receiver's Anniversary Day:

a.At the end of the billing period the system will accrue all charges for items that have hit a monthly anniversary within the billing period.

b.At the end of the billing period the system will accrue all charges for items each time they have hit a weekly anniversary during the billing period.
